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Major Science Journals refuse to publish study proving Face Nappies don’t work

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A major study into the effectiveness of mask wearing was carried out in the Summer and the results have finally been published, with no thanks to the mainstream media or three major science journals which refused to do so.

Censored. Make Art Fueled by What's Forbidden | Threadless
The mainstream media did not report on the study and three major science journals refused to do so.

The ‘Danmask-19 trial’ was conducted in the spring with over 6,000 participants, when the public were not being told to wear masks but other public health measures were in place. Unlike other studies looking at masks, the Danmask study was a randomised controlled trial – making it the highest quality scientific evidence.

Around half of those in the trial received 50 disposable surgical face masks, which they were told to change after eight hours of use. After one month, the trial participants were tested using both PCR (don’t get us started on these phoney tests), antibody and lateral flow tests and compared with the trial participants who did not wear a mask. Randomised trials are important if we want to understand the impact of measures like face masks

In the end, there was no statistically significant difference between those who wore masks and those who did not when it came to being infected by Covid-19. 1.8 per cent of those wearing masks caught Covid, compared to 2.1 per cent of the control group. As a result, it seems that any effect masks have on preventing the spread of the disease in the community is small.

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Face nappies are compulsory in social settings

When it comes to masks, it appears there is still little good evidence they prevent the spread of airborne diseases. The results of the Danmask-19 trial mirror other reviews into influenza-like illnesses. Nine other trials looking at the efficacy of masks (two looking at healthcare workers and seven at community transmission) have found that masks make little or no difference to whether you get influenza or not.

Now that we have properly rigorous scientific research we can rely on, the evidence shows that wearing masks in the community does not significantly reduce the rates of infection.

There is now zero evidence that wearing a face nappy protects against the novel coronavirus, yet the British Government still threatens non-wearers with tyrannical, ruinous fines of up to £6,400.

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3 years ago

[…] do they want us to wear these face nappies when several scientific studies prove that they are ineffective in the purpose the authorities claim they serve? For the first 6 […]