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EXCLUSIVE – 89% of Covid-19 deaths in the past 4 weeks were among the Fully Vaccinated according to the Latest Public Health data

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The latest official Public Health data shows that the fully vaccinated accounted for 89% of Covid-19 deaths in the past four weeks, whilst also accounting for 77% of Covid-19 hospitalisations and 65% of alleged Covid-19 cases from October 9th through to November 5th.

The Covid-19 Statistical Report is a weekly report on Covid-19 data published by Public Health Scotland, and the latest update published November 10th confirms that things are getting worse for the fully vaccinated population by the month whilst things improve for the not-vaccinated population.

Table 18 of the report confirms that the majority of Covid-19 cases were among the fully vaccinated population in the week beginning October 30th 2021, accounting for 10,693 cases. Whilst the not-vaccinated population recorded 6,854 cases.

The totals number of cases by vaccination status as confirmed by the above table between October 9th and November 5th were as follows –

  • Not-vaccinated population = 24,992 cases (- 438 on last weeks data)
  • Partly vaccinated population = 4,125 cases (+ 368 on last weeks data)
  • Fully-vaccinated population = 43,253 cases (+ 2,045 on last weeks data)

This means the vaccinated population accounted for 65% of Covid-19 cases between October 9th and November 5th , whilst the not-vaccinated population accounted for 36%.

However, the difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated gets much worse when it comes to hospitalisations, with the fully vaccinated now accounting for the majority of Covid-19 hospitalisations since at least July 2021.

Table 19 of the report confirms that the majority of Covid-19 hospitalisations were among the fully vaccinated population in the week beginning October 29th 2021, accounting for 356 hospitalisations. Whilst the not-vaccinated population accounted for 142 hospitalisations.

The totals number of hospitalisations by vaccination status for all age groups between October 9th and November 5th as confirmed by table 19 of the PHS report were as follows –

  • Not-vaccinated population = 536 (- 16 on last weeks report)
  • Partly vaccinated population = 76 (+ 1 on last weeks report)
  • Fully vaccinated population = 1673 (- 58 on last weeks report)

This means the vaccinated population accounted for 77% of Covid-19 hospitalisations between October 9th and November 5th 2021, whilst the not-vaccinated accounted for just 23%.

But yet again the difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated gets much worse when it comes to deaths allegedly related to Covid-19.

Table 20 of the report confirms that the majority of Covid-19 deaths were among the fully vaccinated population in the week beginning October 23rd 2021, accounting for 108 deaths. Whilst the not-vaccinated population accounted for just 14 Covid-19 deaths, nearly 8 times less.

The totals number of alleged Covid-19 deaths by vaccination status between October 2nd and October 29th 2021 as confirmed by table 20 of the PHS report were as follows –

  • Not-vaccinated population = 56 deaths (- 8 deaths on last weeks report)
  • Partly vaccinated population = 12 deaths (+ 0 deaths on last weeks report)
  • Fully vaccinated population = 449 deaths (- 5 deaths on last weeks report)

This means the vaccinated population accounted for 89% of Covid-19 deaths between October 2nd and October 29th 2021, whilst the not-vaccinated accounted for just 11%.

The fact that the fully vaccinated now account for the majority of Covid-19 cases is extremely concerning in regards to the effectiveness of the Covid-19 injections, because up until recently, children; who are not eligibe for vaccination, have accounted for the vast majority of cases.

Further questions on the effectiveness of the jabs also need to be asked due to the fact Covid-19 hospitalisations and deaths are rising among the fully vaccinated population by the month whilst hospitalisations and deaths among the not-vaccinated population continue to decline.

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2 years ago


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Last edited 2 years ago by Karl
Don Spilman
Don Spilman
2 years ago

No surprise here!!! I have written many times on several blogs that the entire wuflu charade was completely designed created and released for the purpose of controlling and murdering of tens of thousands!!!!! It’s just working as planed!

2 years ago

[…] November 11, 2021EXCLUSIVE – 89% of Covid-19 deaths in the past 4 weeks were among the Fully Vaccinated according t… […]

2 years ago

Thank you. Excellent analysis.

Ronald Wharton
Ronald Wharton
2 years ago

I am 73 and afraid of these experimental drugs. It has become clear that I can’t protect myself from a virus, but I can protect myself from injury or death from these unsafe drugs by saying NO!

Reply to  Ronald Wharton
2 years ago


Evil Harry Dread
Evil Harry Dread
Reply to  Ronald Wharton
2 years ago

Ronald. You can help protect yourself with a few easy and available things.
Vitamin D3 5000iu per day, preferably with K2 as well.
Vitamin C, Zinc, daily exercise and fresh air, plus not eating crap.
All of those will help you fend off any infection before it gets a hold.
Quercetin is also a good idea and can be made from organic grapefruit and lemon skins.
Organic, so you’re not boiling up the pesticides as well.
Quercetin is IIRC similar to Hydroxychloroquine and quinine (Tonic water).
Nothing is 100%, but at least you’re giving yourself a fighting chance.
I would also say that masks may do your respiratory system more harm than good.
Good luck

2 years ago

Hey Guys. Firstly, I am not vaccinated and am very dubious about the whole Covid pandemic. I read from the Expose frequently and like to evaluate what I read.

I wanted to provide a little more clarity to the argument.

The UK population is 66 million people of which 50 million have been vaccinated (one or two doses).

The above article indicates that more people are dying who have been vaccinated than unvaccinated, which is true, but we need to adjust for the sample size.

465 people have died and have been one or two jabbed. Represents 0.00000705% of that population.

56 people who have not had a vaccine have died out of the remaining 16 million people who have not been vaccinated. Represents 0.0000035% of the population.

So the difference is pretty negligible overall. I’d imagine more elderly people have been vaccinated too, which is probably why the vaccinated deaths are higher too.

The above is the most common argument I get against my viewpoint, so thought it was worth sharing.

Reply to  Mark
2 years ago

I agree these should be placed in context of vax rates. I am already convinced these shots are much worse than covid, but to reach the skeptics we need better data.

Peter Zet
Peter Zet
Reply to  Mark
2 years ago

Yes, the whole set of data should be considered taking into account sizes of populations . Please, note that in case of having 100 % population vaccinated and 90 % vaccine efficiency, there will be only vaccinated death cases – what would be conclusion then? Additionaly among unvacinated there are more nad more people with natural immunity – it should be excluded from compariosn, like many other factors .

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
2 years ago

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-11-10. Dangerous Conformity vs naturally healthy & uncolonized Big Pharma. Tromethamine. Bioweapon (link).

Carl Goldsworthy
Carl Goldsworthy
2 years ago

I have seen a stat elsewhere, USA that 30% of all covid cases are children. If I subtract them from the stats above, it would seem to me that the unvaxxed adults hardly suffer any covid cases or deaths AT ALL. Can someone shed light on this /
Eg top chart all 19,000 case but 7,000 unvaxxed, remove 6,000 children, just 1,000 left.

Reply to  Carl Goldsworthy
2 years ago

Checked, maybe 17% under 16’s – that gives the rest of the unvaxxed a rate of less than half the double vaxxed. And would prove natural immunity (adult yes, children no) develops and works and is way better than vaxxes.

Reply to  Ibmekon
2 years ago

This is a childish misuse of statistics !
Of course kids are most likely to get a new virus !

2 years ago

[…] – EXCLUSIVE – 89% of Covid-19 deaths in the past 4 weeks were among the Fully Vaccinated according t… […]

2 years ago

[…] Source: […]

2 years ago

You’re labeling partially as fully, otherwise good stuff!

2 years ago

[…] Read more: 89% of ALLEGED ‘Covid’ deaths in the past 4 weeks were among the Fully Fake Vaccinated… […]

2 years ago

[…] EXCLUSIVE – 89% of Covid-19 deaths in the past 4 weeks were among the Fully Vaccinated accordi… […]

2 years ago

[…] November 11, 2021EXCLUSIVE – 89% of Covid-19 deaths in the past 4 weeks were among the Fully Vaccinated according t… […]

2 years ago

[…] Only days after the visit allegedly to discuss “border issues”, the Austrian government announced that it intended to enforce strict lockdowns for 3,1 million Austrians who are not fully vaccinated. Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg complained about the “shamefully low” jab rate. Covid-19 has indeed become the pandemic of coincidences. […]

2 years ago

[…] Kilde: TheExpose.ukBrasils President Konfronterer WHO-Sjefen: «Folk Dør Etter Den Andre Dosen»Forrige InnleggFlorida: Ingen Nedstengninger, Ingen Maskemandater Og Landets Laveste COVID-SakstallNeste Innlegg […]

2 years ago

[…] Only days after the visit allegedly to discuss “border issues”, the Austrian government announced that it intended to enforce strict lockdowns for 3,1 million Austrians who are not fully vaccinated. Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg complained about the “shamefully low” jab rate. Covid-19 has indeed become the pandemic of coincidences. […]

2 years ago

[…] Quelques jours seulement après cette visite prétendument destinée à discuter de « questions frontalières », le gouvernement autrichien a annoncé son intention d’appliquer un confinement strict aux 3,1 millions d’Autrichiens qui ne sont pas entièrement vaccinés. Le chancelier Alexander Schallenberg s’est plaint du taux de vaccination « honteusement bas ». Le Covid-19 est en effet devenu la pandémie des coïncidences. […]

2 years ago

[…] EXCLUSIVE – 89% of Covid-19 deaths in the past 4 weeks were among the Fully Vaccinated according t… […]

2 years ago

[…] Only days after the visit allegedly to discuss “border issues”, the Austrian government announced that it intended to enforce strict lockdowns for 3.1 million Austrians who are not fully vaccinated. Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg complained about the “shamefully low” jab rate. Covid-19 has indeed become the pandemic of coincidences. […]

2 years ago

[…] Only days after the visit allegedly to discuss “border issues”, the Austrian government announced that it intended to enforce strict lockdowns for 3.1 million Austrians who are not fully vaccinated. Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg complained about the “shamefully low” jab rate. Covid-19 has indeed become the pandemic of coincidences. […]

2 years ago

[…] Only days after the visit allegedly to discuss “border issues”, the Austrian government announced that it intended to enforce strict lockdowns for 3,1 million Austrians who are not fully vaccinated. Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg complained about the “shamefully low” jab rate. Covid-19 has indeed become the pandemic of coincidences. […]

2 years ago

Why don’t you use the age standardized frequency for 100.000 persons?
Don’t you trust that statistic?

I have no doubt these vax are poison but I’ll need good data to show skeptics.

Last edited 2 years ago by Harry
2 years ago

What are there no links to from this to the official data sites as was done for the English stats.

2 years ago

[…] Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg complained about the “shamefully low” jab rate. COVID-19 has indeed become the pandemic of coincidences. […]

2 years ago

[…] Az elhalálozottak között az oltottak részaránya az idő múlásával egyre nő – november 11-én az elmúlt négy hétben 89% az UK-ban… […]

2 years ago

It’s even worse than that: the vaccinated deaths are only registered after a positive PCR test. Two major issues with that:

  1. The table mentions that the AVERAGE date of regisration after death is 3 days, so many are 2 or less. A PCR test can take days by itself, IF the body is examined and tested at all.. So while the unvaccinated get a PCR test right as they enter the hospital, the vaccinated are most likely not. We can safely assume there are far more vaccinated dead, but not registered with a PCR test.
  2. The CAUSE of death through vaccination takes place most of the time (see VAERS) within 2-3 days after vaccination. But these causes are mostly heartattack and such sudden, heavy causes, not necessarily related to CV-19. So while the table shows CV-19 positives of the vaccinated compared to those of the unvaccinated, it fully omits causes of death induced by the vaccine itself. We can only guess..
Reply to  Peka
2 years ago

A third point: not sure how it works in the UK, but in the US if someone is jabbed, they still count as UNvccinated until 14 days after the jab. While most heavy reactions leading to death ovvur within 2-3 days. So per definition ALL of these jabbed people are ommitted.