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THERE IS NO VALID TEST TO DETECT SARS-COV-2 virus. Yet why would that matter when there is no valid, isolated virus? We have been dancing to the tune of the corrupt globalists for the last 20 months. We now need to look at all the facts and put a stop to it. We must stop listening to the lies and stop complying with the disproportionate nonsensical measures that adversely affect us all.

While we all may laugh at the DFS furniture “sales” that are clearly not a sale, yet the marketing used tries to make consumers feel an urgency to buy a product they don’t need, in case they are too late. However, when the same cheap tactics are used by the government, it is not quite as funny. The government has a magical tool at their disposal, the PCR test that creates, what they deem as “cases” of a potentially deadly virus, therefore, used to create fear and urgency, rendering grown adults terrified and accepting of any measure that a patriarchal government proposes in order to look after them.


It is not the fault of the masses that they feel this fear, the government has relied upon it and employed behavioural scientists (SAGE) which includes communist party member, psychologist Susan Michie, to ensure it occurs almost, or exactly showing parallels to the Goebbelian methods used in WW2. Joseph Goebbels was a German Nazi politician and, chief propagandist for the Nazi Party famously said “We have made the Reich by propaganda and it is the absolute right of the state to supervise the formation of public opinion.” It was this propaganda and social control that kept the population in line, which demonstrably is what our own government believes too and has arguably used tactics Goebbels would be proud of, particularly through acting out one of his quotes “A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth”. We know all about repetition these last 20 months!

Recently the government propaganda warned that “cases” are rising in Europe with some countries introducing further restrictions, urging eligible people to get COVID-19 booster vaccines ahead of Christmas. According to the government’s own figures, more than 50 million first doses (88.2%) and 46 million second doses (80.2%) have been given across the UK, and that 14 million administered already (source). Again, a Goebbelian method is being used therefore, many are falling for the same DFS style, tactics when used by our own government who are pushing experimental jabs, that they don’t need, in case they are too late. This article will attempt to show why we don’t need them and to dispel the fear of “cases”- (It’s a double-sized article, let’s call it a BOGOF, if you will).


Going back to September 2019, the World Bank and the World Health Organisation (WHO), together created the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB), which  was to advise countries to prepare for a potential “lethal respiratory pathogen”  and to invest in “innovative vaccines and therapeutics, surge manufacturing capacity, broad-spectrum antivirals and appropriate non-pharmaceutical interventions.” Countries were also advised that they should all “develop a system for immediately sharing genome sequences of any new pathogen.” They were already preparing us for a “pandemic.” (Source).  

From “A World at risk” WHO Sept 2019 1


The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) 80-year-old, Dr. Anthony  Fauci was clearly prepared too, as, by December 4, 2019, he announced that his agency was “conducting and supporting research to develop state-of-the-art vaccine platform technologies that could be used to develop universal influenza vaccines as well as to improve the speed and agility of the influenza vaccine manufacturing process”. Additionally, he advised that the platform technologies included “DNA, messenger RNA (mRNA), virus-like particles, vector-based, and self-assembling nanoparticle vaccines.” (Source).  How did they know to prepare for it? We should therefore be forgiven for thinking that the GPMB and Fauci’s NIAID either employed clairvoyant mystics or something more sinister was going on. Especially when realising that they had already set to release genetic and nanoparticle technologies onto the arguably, fear-filled public. (Source).


Now, all it took, according to doctors Bailey and Bevan Smith authors of the paper THE-COVID-19-FRAUD-WAR-ON-HUMANITY  “was the substitution of influenza, with an imaginary deadly and “novel” coronavirus.  Yes, Imaginary, as despite all of the preparations, the SARS-CoV-2 has never been located in a human subject, nor has it been isolated, purified and subsequently photographed and biochemically characterised as a whole unique structure.

In fact, two publications were responsible for the belief that there was a novel virus, these publications went on to create a template for all subsequent studies. However, the first study by Fan et al (2020) was based only on an alignment with the RNA from a patient’s lungs and there had been no attempt made to isolate the COVID virus. The team of scientists were the first inventors of the SARS-CoV-2 genome, sent samples extracted from the patient’s lung fluid straight to sequencing to search for short genetic fragments or “reads”.  These were crude samples, according to doctors Bailey and Bevan-Smith, and not physically isolated viruses. The samples contained millions of unique genetic fragments from the patient himself, innumerable microbes, even from the air the patient had breathed on the way to the hospital.

Despite this, a second study used the same template to construct what has been deemed to be a fictitious and theoretical strand of genetic material and also went to great lengths to confirm the results of the first study. Reviews of the studies – here and here. Incidentally, SARS-COV-2has never been proven to exist in nature yet bizarrely, key component parts were patented in 2007 which, by definition, would require them to be man-made. The Patent is available to see here


In a quest to discover if isolation of the SARS-COV-2 exists, two journalists have been sending requests – under the Freedom of Information Act- to various institutions in Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. As of September 5th, 2021, twelve institutions responded indicating the same thing: that they have no record of work describing the isolation of the virus that is supposed to cause Covid-19.  More details and the answers can be seen here  


Yet, the world was alerted of a “pandemic” on January 3rd, 2020 with as little as 44 “cases” reported of patients with pneumonia of unknown aetiology, there would or should have been no real cause for alarm. So, to recap, SARS-CoV-2 key points:

  • Has never been located in a human subject  
  • Never been isolated or purified  
  • It has not been proven to exist in nature as is patented
  •  Its existence has not been proven by freedom of information requests –
  • Had as little as 44 cases globally.

Yet still, the WHO felt it necessary to convene for an emergency meeting at the end of January 2020 to monitor the international situation, by this time there were still only 17 deaths deemed to be caused by the “virus” and 581 “cases” certainly not enough for such alarm, but rational thinking at this point would have put paid to all that preparation perhaps.


The saving grace was the RT PCR test a tool to afford the statistical basis to a pandemic and producing enough cases for the WHO Director-General  Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to declare a public health emergency of international concern” (PHEIC) (source).

At this time there it was reported that 7834, 99% of which were in China, and 170 deaths again in China, deemed to be from COVID. Amazingly by the very next day, the total number of cases had increased to 9,826.64, the growth of an imaginary virus, not isolated nor shown to be causative of any disease was to begin its reign of terror all due to the power of a PCR test.


This occurred following the publication on January 23, 2020, in the scientific journal Eurosurveillance, by Dr. Christian Drosten, along with several colleagues from the Berlin Virology Institute at Charite Hospital, and also the head of a biotech company, TIB Molbiol Syntheselabor GmbH, published a study claiming to have developed the first effective test for detecting whether someone is infected with the novel coronavirus identified first only days before. The paper now referred to as the Corman Drosten paper (Eurosurveillance) also appeared on the WHO’s website on 13 and 17 January 2020 despite the authors acknowledging that they had designed the test “without having virus material available”.


An international consortium of Life Science scientists found the Corman-Drosten paper to be severely flawed with respect to its biomolecular and methodological design. Their paper “External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results” (External peer review) included a request to retract the Corman/Drosten paper, which they said the publication by “Eurosurveillance”, raises the concern whether the paper was subjected to peer-review at all.


The false positives were not the only fraudulent area surrounding the Corman/Drosten collaboration, first of all the scientists requesting the retraction were right that the paper had not been peer-reviewed at all. Drosten failed to declare that he was actually a member of the Eurosurveillance editorial board when he and his co-authors were published in the journal only two days after submission (23 January). Not only that he was holding a fraudulent doctoral title and would likely face court charges as a result (Source).

Co-authors, Chantal Reusken, also failed to declare that she was on the Eurosurveillance editorial board and TIB Molbiol. Also, CEO Olfert Landt failed to declare his conflict of interest that his company was the maker of a PCR kit based on the published assay sequences, only revealing the fact on July 29th (source). TIB Molbiol company revealed later, that they had been “supplying COVID-19 PCR test kits since early January 2020” and said that “Over the last 12 months we have delivered over 60 million tests.” (source). Simply because we ignored their fraudulent behaviour and lies and allowed them to continue.


So here is the shocker that really should render the fear of cases dead in the waterYou cannot have specific tests for a virus without knowing the components of the virus you are trying to detect. – And the components cannot be known without having previously isolated/purified that virus! This should have put an end to the fear-mongering statistics, but even more shocking was the fact that due to the test, the statistics continued to grow allowing the WHO to deem it as a PHIC, an emergency and in turn this would allow the acceleration of experimental treatments, disguised as vaccines to enter the market without the stringent approval processes usually in place for pharmaceuticals.

The PCR would continue to produce “cases” as the WHO’S definition of a “confirmed case” of SARS-CoV-2 infection, is a person with a positive Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT), which is essentially, a PCR test, regardless of whether the person is unwell or not. A PCR test may be able to detect short nucleotide sequences being they exist but come from somewhere else, not from a virus labelled “SARS-CoV-2”.  (If it is done poorly or at high cycle numbers, as has been typical, the target sequence may not even exist in the sample and a “positive” result is simply an artefact of the process).

Already revealed on the Expose, THERE IS NO VALID TEST TO DETECT SARS-COV-2, neither antibody or antigen tests nor RT-PCR. Which also included those based on the supposed gene that codes for the S1 or spike protein. And that means that ALL THE NUMBERS OF “CASES”, “INFECTED”, “SICK”, “Asymptomatic” OR “DEAD DUE TO COVID-19” LACK A SCIENTIFIC BASE AND ALL “POSITIVES” ARE FALSE POSITIVES. 


The Nobel Prize-Winning  inventor of the PCR Kary Mullis stated that the PCR “doesn’t tell you that you are sick, or that the thing that you ended up with was going to hurt you or anything like that.”


Nonetheless, the entire case for the fear, the mandated measures including the mandated emergency lockdowns of businesses, schools,  and other social arenas globally was based on a test that cannot diagnose the infectious status of a human in any proven way and no consistent link has ever been found between a disease state and the PCR results. (Source). n short, there has been a misapplication, misuse fraudulent application, call it what you will, of the PCR meaning COVID-19 is a scientifically meaningless construct that represents nothing more than a referential illusion. From the outset, the PCR was to provide the statistical basis for the “Pandemic” based on a disease invented for an agenda that benefits a tiny minority of people. there’s a huge chance you are not one of them.

So it is time to stop believing the lies, stop using their terminology, for a virus that they haven’t proved exists, (You haven’t got “Covid” you have a cold, or flu as you would normally), Stop using their tests that don’t find this elusive virus, and stop accepting their ridiculous, nonsensical measures!

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Last edited 2 years ago by Dawn
2 years ago

This is the first time that I’ve seen The Expose venture into this territory, where the FOUNDATION of the covid hoax is exposed. I’m encouraged. (The next step is to completely ditch germ theory and Rockefeller medical dogma. I highly recommend Dawn Lester’s and David Parker’s “What Really Makes You Ill?” as a starting point for those who might decide to take that journey.)

The PCR tool is not a test and I have stopped calling it that. As Tom Cowan pointed out to Jon Rappoport, you don’t get false positives and false negatives from the PCR process. When you use that process to diagnose, it’s all false. You don’t brush your teeth with a hammer.

We’ve all been steeped in Rockefeller medical dogma and trickery (especially tv and Hollywood) meant to convince us that Rockefeller medicine is medicine and not dangerous voodoo. I can thank the covid hoax for showing me that. As a blogger, I sort of had my ear to the ground in May of 2020. I knew, not in detail of course, that something was off. I was not very deep into tracking the hoax and blogging about it when I came across Dr Andrew Kaufman. (My 27th blog post deals with that. I’ve now got almost 200 blog posts just on covid.) His explanation of exosomes and related matters resonated with me. As a Christian, I was biased to believe that there are not invisible attackers who would plague humankind forever. (Jehovah God’s project earth puts man, made in God’s image [possessing self-awareness and reason and free moral agency], at the center of it. Is he going to create a paradise home for man that includes invisible killers?) Bias is powerful but it isn’t automatically a bad thing. Unexamined bias can lead one astray. In any case, there’s some Bible guidance that I go by that I don’t think anyone would argue with. We are told to buy truth itself. In other words, we are not to automatically defer to the pastor or elder or authority figure or wise book or religious organization or whatever. (And there’s much about the Bible that doesn’t sit well with me.)

jean-marie ignatowicz
jean-marie ignatowicz
Reply to  Arby
2 years ago

I love that : You don’t brush your teeth with a hammer.. How “they” can fool The World, with a FAKE test ? Takes a Genius ! Mean do not pass the ” GATES ” ! This Bullshit was Prepared Years ago, even Obama was predicting what we see today, it is not accident, Most influential Richest, like Rothschilds, Rockefellers, then Gates, united, made plans to.. Hey, WE can Control the Whole World ! Born is ” the new world order ” !

Reply to  jean-marie ignatowicz
2 years ago

Acknowledged. In the sense that global government has changed character – and is now a global biosecurity Police State – yes, we have a new world order. And for sure, all of this has been in the works.

2 years ago

“IncidentallySARS-COV-2has never been proven to exist in nature yet bizarrely, key component parts were patented in 2007 which, by definition, would require them to be man-made. The Patent is available to see here.” David Martin has pointed that out many times and brought that, and much else, to the attention of the authorities – who just ignore it all. And why wouldn’t they? Governments are police State governments and politicians are gangsters who serve more powerful and unelected gangsters (like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Augustin Carstens et al).

But people have been infantilized and turned into stupid cattle. They don’t read, unless it’s their smart phones. They are tv addicts (and tv is largely pharma-funded). I’m not a fan of Mint Press (shills, who masquerade as progressives, for pharma and vaccine companies) and Alan Macleod, but there’s an article by Macleod up on Mint Press that, added to one by Tim Schwab (Columbia Journalism Review and titled “Journalism’s Gates Keepers”), shows the extent of Bill Gates’s reach and you’ll have to read it to believe it. (Of course, Alan, in the article, talks about all the deaths from covid 19, a disease that doesn’t exist.)

2 years ago

Both scammy (and misled) virologists and those exposing their fraudulent science refer to ‘isolation’ as ‘purification’. It leads to the weird phrase ‘isolated and purified’ in relation to microorganisms. The very language used by scammy virologists and Rockefeller devotees is like coal dust that coats everyone and is almost impossible to get rid of. It stains you.

When you purify, say, water, that means that you take junk out of it. But in virology, or microbiology (Stefan Lanka doesn’t want to be called a virologist any longer because of the scam), purifying a microorganism means taking the organism out of junk. See the difference? In other words, isolation is purification and purification is isolation.

Reply to  Arby
2 years ago

There was a very meaningful debate on this between Dr Judy Mikovits and Dr Andrew Kaufman. While Mikovits admitted that the Sars-Cov2 never was isolated she insisted they isolated HIV. Kaufman challenged her arguing exactly on the isolation process they falsely call isolation and ‘she ran away’.
I encourage everyone to watch that debate. It could be reach from Icke’s site and hardly anywhere can be found, I hope The Expose allows that video to link.
It was the first ever open virus debate between professionals.—1ST-EVER-VIRUS-ISOLATION-DEBATE:b

Last edited 2 years ago by GundelP
Reply to  GundelP
2 years ago

Yep. I’ve seen it. Andrew, who courageously took on an icon, made the mistake of getting personal and that was all it took for those fakers to eject him. They shouldn’t have done that and didn’t have to. They could have politely pointed out to Andrew, or everyone, that getting personal might not be the classiest way to have a discussion.

2 years ago

The link to Christine Massey’s research (I assume) isn’t working.

Her organization is called “Fluoride Free Peel.” Peel is a district in Ontario, Canada.

Jon Rappoport, the famous pandemic investigator (who famously debunks pandemics!), interviewed Christine. See his blog post titled The non-existent virus; an explosive interview with Christine Massey.”

jean-marie ignatowicz
jean-marie ignatowicz
Reply to  Arby
2 years ago

Agree with you, Jon has Reputation with 100 % Accurate TRUTH !

Reply to  jean-marie ignatowicz
2 years ago

He is not so good on the covid subject, sadly (maybe because he does not dare to touch the 5G topic) but yes, in past he was always right. He was the one who thought me to notice a certain pattern in the ‘pandemics’ of the last decades.
More causes, similar symptoms but one label and blamed on a virus.
No matter which epidemic or pandemic I went after, too, it was always the same including the terribly feared rabies.

Covid is the same. More causes, similar symptoms, under one label blamed on a virus. While the good old flu just disappeared…
I followed Rappoport long enough on Covid. He was right in many things, for example that Wuhan is one of the worst city if you look for smog. That they are full with pneumonia cases and were in past, too. Some of us tried to warn him that in the Covid tale there are more than just that. There are cases which were caused by mw radiation, the new tech but conveniently were covered as Covid together with flu, old type pneumonias, cold and so on. We also raised awareness on graphene oxide, he mentioned it in 1-2 articles but didn’t look after it deeply.

Wherever 5G was up and running they had far more cases and much more lethal cases than in places where it was not. Wuhan had 10.000 newly implemented antennas. Next lethal places were cruise ships like The Diamond Princess – it was advertised with excellent internet connection and had 5 big, ball shaped antennas. Then Lombardy (developed part), New York and a couple of more, in Sweden or Norway if I recall well. There were ‘outbreaks’ in ships belonging to the army, who were on the sea from months. How?

Since then the truth about graphene oxide is out, we even know how it works – it is neutral till it get charge from the environment – which can come from anything, even from a mobile phone or a wifi and most certainly can come from those new antennas.

It also turned out that different countries used different methods to get rid of the elderly. Here it was Midazolam, in the US it was Remesvidir and of course the use of ventilators. But that was not the case in Italy and Spain (La Quinta Columna), the elderly who died there – many – died to bilateral pneumonias (very rare) and died within 4-5 hours which something you never seen caused by germs (if you believe that the cause is a germ).
Also later it turned out that those elderly got flu shots and graphene oxide was found at least in two types (La Quinta Columna), they also discovered that by any reason those new antennas were implemented very close to elderly homes and hospitals.

It very well worth to read back Rappoport on other pandemics and epidemics in past but in connection with Covid you need more.

Reply to  GundelP
2 years ago

I don’t trust La Quinta Columna. Blame it on Whitney Webb.

Whitney Webb Interview – Is There Graphene Oxide In The COVID-19 Injections?”
Jon’s been phenomenal on covid 1984. He has decided, I think for marketing purposes, to call the covid injections ‘vaccines’ and to refer to the PCR tool as a ‘test’, but when he actually talks about those things, he’s spot on. I wouldn’t do that myself. But that’s me.

Reply to  Arby
2 years ago

It’s not about trust, graphene oxide was found by many independent examinations, only that La Quinta Columna gave the idea to look for it as possible cause behind that many vaxxed became magnetic.
Since then from 2 different ex Pfizer sources it was validated. It’s not a debate or ‘I believe’ thing, the presence of graphene oxide in the vaxxes is proven, fact. Jon is getting elderly, this new tech is difficult to understand even to the young who use it day by day. I think that’s why he didn’t touch either graphene oxide or 5G. His reporting on covid is not full, not good enough.

But as I wrote he WAS great on other pandemics in the past, his archived work is a treasure.

Last edited 2 years ago by GundelP
2 years ago

Our healthcare system is about to experience a tsunami! Potential side effects of jabs include chronic inflammation, because the vaccine continuously stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies. Other concerns include the possible integration of plasmid DNA into the body’s host genome, resulting in mutations, problems with DNA replication, triggering of autoimmune responses, and activation of cancer-causing genes. Alternative COVID cures exist. Ivermectin is one of them. While Ivermectin is very effective curing COVID symptoms, it has also been shown to eliminate certain cancers. Do not get the poison jab. Get Ivermectin today while you still can!

Last edited 2 years ago by Purebloodpatriot
2 years ago

Spelling and grammer in first paragraph… good info and want to share widely… just an FYI to fix before I do that. Thanks.

2 years ago

But the discredited test does detect viral matter from a range of causes, whether dead or alive when used above the recommended level of amplification.

Note too, the amassing rolling total of alleged deaths from this virus has never previously been reported in such a manner designed to instil & maintain fear. Moreover, the total mortality over 2 flu seasons of 5 million makes it 1 million fewer than the average for flu, & its associated complications, that has all but disappeared.

2 years ago


2 years ago

The above article is rather pathetic.
Yes the whole Covid nonsense is a power play for money and control but to suggest viruses do not exist is ridiculous.

The facts showing that viruses exist ……

Viruses are a quirk of nature and there is scientific debate on whether they are living organisms or not.

Viruses have been proved to exist by modern virology through experiments with an isolated single human cell infected with a virus and shown to infect a different healthy human cell. (Virologists have always known that viruses cannot be “isolated” or “purified” in the dictionary sense of the word). Mock controls are done in almost every case. The experiment is written up in a scientific paper for peer review. Just Google “virus cell culture paper” for thousands of these papers. No paper has had to be retracted.

Viruses have been proved to exist via modern electron microscopy and photographed showing the virus which is similar but different to an exosome. Just Google “virus cell culture paper”, Images. Again no paper has been retracted.

Viruses have been proved to exist via modern whole gene sequencing of all of the base pairs. SARS-CoV-2 has 29,903 base pairs which have been laboriously whole gene sequenced (not computer generated) and uploaded to the GISAID Initiative over 5.2 million times. Again no paper has been retracted.

Viruses have been proved to exist via PCR tests which are highly specific in detecting the unique long gene sequence fragment of the virus you want to detect. It is not so good at diagnosing infection as the virus detected maybe dead fragments and not viable which can only be done by cell culture. However, the CT rate if low is an indication of infectability. Again no paper has been retracted.

Viruses have been proved to exist in the German courts in the infamous Lanka v Bardens case where all the judges and experts agreed that the measles virus was real. (Lanka weaseled himself out of paying the 100,000euro bet by persuading the court that it was proved by “six” scientific papers and not “one” that he had asked for).

There has been no scientific paper, even a pre-print or one not peer reviewed, that has ever suggested that viruses do not exist.

Unlike thousands of sceptical climate scientists questioning man made global warming there has been no retired virologist or otherwise with nothing to lose in coming forward with any doubts about “viruses existing”. There have been no death bed confessions from modern virologists. There have been no scientific papers suggesting viruses do not exist. This indicates that viruses are real and do exist.

The US has over 200 bioweapons labs around the world, there are many others. They are all working on viruses. If there is a biological accident or attack your semi-religious belief that “viruses do not exist” will not save you from sickness and/or death.

Some Charlatans with a failed scientific/medical background with books to sell, websites to fund and pills, lotions and potions to sell to the gullible have seen the profit potential of abandoning mainstream medicine in favour of the 19th century Terrain Theory and “viruses do not exist” quackery. People like Stefan Lanka, Andrew Kaufman, Tom Cowan, Sam Bailey etc.

These people have seduced others in the alternative media without a medical or scientific background but who also have books to sell and websites to fund to support their spurious 19th century claims and that “viruses do not exist”. People like David Icke, Jon Rappaport, Mike Adams etc.

They keep appearing on each others platforms, including Alex Jones Infowars, and keep quoting each other and operate in an echo chamber of lies and deceit to illicit money from the gullible.

Facts are facts and viruses have been proved to exist.

These people may have interesting things to say on Covid, lockdowns, masks, vaccines, global warming, controlling the masses and many other subjects but on “viruses not existing” they are totally wrong, out of date and have been proved to be wrong.

You may be a follower of these people and want to believe they are right 100% of the time but on “viruses not existing” they are just plain wrong, out of date and have been proved to be wrong.

Flan O’Brien
Flan O’Brien
Reply to  GeoffB
2 years ago

Your reasoned argument is much appreciated. However the key in this matter is whether a pathogenic agent is transmitted from one organism to another which then causes disease. This has NOT been proven.

The human body contains 3.2 trillion microbes, almost entirely in symbiosis.

“The mammalian virome in genetic analysis of health and disease pathogenesis”

That exosomes (aka “viruses”) can be detected is not in dispute.

Last edited 2 years ago by Flan O’Brien
Reply to  Flan O’Brien
2 years ago

A single human cell infected with a virus has been shown to infect another human cell without a virus many times.

Viruses and exosomes which appear similar are two different entities.

Reply to  GeoffB
2 years ago

Your comment is what pathetic and lies, without a full review as it’s 1,30am:
Lanka did not weasel out, the German High Court admitted that no proof for the existence of the measles virus.
What they call to be viruses in reality identical to exosomes, same size, characteristic.

To judge Dr Kaufman I full heartedly offer to watch his presentation first. Look for a video using duckduckgo but google: The Rooster in the River of Rats.

Or to judge Dr Cowans’ knowledge, he had just given an interview to Gareth Icke, was part of the Iconic a couple of days ago.

OK but then what makes us ill part:
Dr Tomas Cowan: The Contagion Myth
Jon Rappoport’ blog No More Fake News, go into any articles, you’ll find a search box, type the name of the illness you want to know more eg Ebola, Zika – read those articles back (most of the cases are environmental poisoning covered with a lie about a virus)

Children illnesses: whatever causes them they are nature’ directed and have roles, for example those who got chicken pox naturally are less likely to suffer from heart diseases, those who got pertussis don’t develop asthma later and so on.

To think: How that’s possible that children never have two different ‘viral infection’ in the same time? With common sense if one became weakened because of a raging virus multiplying in one’s cells the person is an ideal one to any other viruses to attack. But they just never get eg mumps and chicken pox in the same time. The virus tale is the biggest lie ever.

Flu like illnesses: Arthur Firstenberg: The Invisible Rainbow. Flu somehow related to the changes in EMF. Big pademics and human inventions implemented widely are total matches, that’s why flu was almost unknown 200 years ago or so but we see outraces more and more often, it started with the wide implementation of electricity.

Reply to  GeoffB
2 years ago

By the way, a man named Samuel Eckert offered 1.5 million (!) € to the virologist who gives proof of existence TO ANY corona virus. He did it via Isolat Truth Fund. Happened months ago, the prize is still there.

Do you know why? Because virus isolation is not possible. That’s why. Just as Lanka’s challenger was unable to prove that measles virus exists and the cause of that illness, the so called virologists know very well that they couldn’t give proof of existence of a coronavirus either with proving that that’s the cause of the actual illness.

Dr Young even recorded the process under a microscope, when a cell is dying its shape changes and looks corona-like, he called it to the ‘corona effect’. It’s on his website, anyone can check.

He also recorded how a red blood cell shape-shifts and becomes bacteria due to change of nutrition in the blood, That’s called pleomorphism, what according to Pasteur and the Rockefeller’ medicine is not possible, the base of their science is monomorphism (no shape shifting) as the shape was one of the vital criteria to identify any germ.

Last edited 2 years ago by GundelP
2 years ago

Our blood is sacred…how dare they defile it with their evil technology.
They are turning humans into demons.

jean-marie ignatowicz
jean-marie ignatowicz
2 years ago

Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR, told te TRUTH ! This testing process, has no value to detect any kind of virus.!

Reply to  jean-marie ignatowicz
2 years ago

In fact he said that PCR-test cannot be used for diagnostic purposes, it was designed to use in genetic tests including analysis of ancient samples of DNA, parentage testing and criminal forensics. It multiplies small amounts of DNA sequences until it’s possible to compare it to a given DNA sample. In case of a non-isolated i.e. not proven to exist “virus” with no samples at all it’s impossible by definition.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kraggash
2 years ago

Great article and it was highly time. Thank you Expose!

2 years ago

The easy to understand explanation on viruses vs exosomes by Dr Andrew Kaufman.

2 years ago

The process of virus ‘isolation’ – easy to follow form.

The ROOSTER in the RIVER of Rats:

2 years ago

THE LANKA – MEASLES STORY if not the MSM reports on it:

‘Even up to this day, there is still no scientific evidence that vaccines are effective against the so-called “viruses”. The reason why this claim has no solid scientific basis is that there are no proofs itself that these biological agents what they call “viruses” cause diseases in the first place. In 2001, a German molecular biologist named Stefan Lanka and his colleague named Karl Krafeld wrote a book entitled “Impfen – Völkermord im dritten Jahrtausend?” (Vaccination – Genocide in the third millennium?) in which they claim that this is the case. And as one of the validations for this claim, in 2017 the German Federal Supreme Court has made a final decision agreeing that there wasn’t enough evidence to support that the “measles virus” exists. In this court trial, Dr. Lanka even offered to pay 100,000 Euro for someone who can prove the opposite.

Here is the short chronology of the event:
“On March 12, 2015, the District Court Ravensburg in southern Germany ruled that the criteria of the advertisement had been fulfilled ordering Dr. Lanka to pay up. Dr. Lanka appealed the ruling. On February 16, 2016, the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart (OLG) re-evaluated the first ruling, judging that Dr. Bardens did not meet the criteria since he failed to provide proof for the existence of the measles virus presented in one publication, as asked by Dr. Lanka in his announcement. Therefore, Dr. Lanka does not have to pay the prize money. On January 16, 2017, the First Civil Senate of the German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) confirmed the ruling of the OLG Stuttgart.
During the “measles virus trial”, the head of the National Reference Institute for Measles at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) named Dr. Annette Mankertz admitted an important fact that “may explain the increased rate of vaccination-induced disabilities, namely of vaccination against measles, and why and how specifically this kind of vaccination seems to increasingly trigger autism”. There were five experts who presented the results of the scientific studies appointed the higher court. These five experts, one named Prof. Dr. Andreas Podbielski, “consistently found that none of the six publications which were introduced to the trial contains scientific proof of the existence of the alleged measles virus”. This was confirmed independently by two recognized German laboratories, including the world’s largest and leading genetic Institute, proving that “the authors of the six publications in the measles virus case were wrong, and as a direct result all measles virologists are still wrong today”:
The six publications submitted in the trial are the main relevant “scientific paper” on the subject of “measles virus.” According to the decision, the claim that ordinary components of cells are part of the suspected measles virus is a misinterpretation. This attempt to determine pathogenic viruses is a common mistake in the field of virology today according to Dr. Lanka. He also suggested that:  
“Because of this error, during decades of consensus building process, normal cell constituents were mentally assembled into a model of a measles virus. To this day, an actual structure that corresponds to this model has been found neither in a human, nor in an animal. With the results of the genetic tests, all thesis of existence of measles virus has been scientifically disproved. Any national and international statements on the alleged measles virus, the infectivity of measles, and on the benefit and safety of vaccination against measles, are since then of no scientific character and have thus been deprived of their legal basis.”
According also to Dr. Lanka:
“With the Supreme Court judgment in the measles virus trial any national and international
statements on the alleged measles virus, the infectivity of measles, and on the benefit and safety of vaccination against measles, are since then of no scientific character and have thus been deprived of their legal basis.”
For almost one year we have been asking authorities, politicians and medical institutes after the scientific evidence for the existence of such viruses that are said to cause disease and therefore require “immunization”. After almost one year we have not received even one concrete answer which provides evidence for the existence of those “vaccination viruses”. The conclusion is inevitable that our children are still vaccinated on the basis of scientific standards of the 18th and 19th century. In the 19th century Robert Koch demanded in his generally accepted postulates evidence of the virus in order to prove infection; at Koch´s time this evidence couldn´t be achieved directly by visualization and characterization of the viruses, because adequate technology wasn´t available at that time. Methods of modern medicine have profoundly changed over the past 60 years, in particular by the invention of the electron microscope. And still all these viruses we get immunized against have never been re-examined using this technology?”

Full article is on weblyf com.

s b
s b
2 years ago

at last someone telling the truth, you do realise that after christmas you will be arrested for telling the truth, the new acts become law

Reply to  s b
2 years ago

I put my life to save animals, the biggest threat to them is the same as to us, those on the top who use medicine and misinformation to kill. But while people can help to themselves and can think for themselves, no one ask a pet for agreement, the only way to save them to educate their owners .
I am fed up. If I have to die for openly writing the truth I am ok with that, at least I won’t die as a pathetic coward. The last one standing please switch off the lights.

Last edited 2 years ago by GundelP
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