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Following Complaints from Customers, a UK Covid Test Provider Admits Tests Cannot Be Used to Diagnose Covid

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DnaNudge is an Imperial College London spinout company whose founder and CEO is a professor at Imperial College.  At the end of December 2020 in response to complaints from its customers, who at the time was mainly the NHS, DnaNudge admitted a final Covid diagnosis should consider symptoms and not rely on the test result alone.

A list of field safety notices (“FSNs”) from medical device manufacturers is maintained by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (“MHRA”).  In a previous article we attached a list of 24 FSNs relating to “SARS” devices between 1 January and 30 November 2021 – 15 of them relate specifically to PCR Tests and at least one relates to a lateral flow antigen test, two of these were issued by DnaNudge.

DnaNudge has a creepy sales pitch: “Here at DnaNudge, we’ve pioneered something completely new – the ability to nudge your everyday shopping choices through your DNA,” their online shop says.  It is a company that was formed in 2015 and founded by Chris Toumazou, Regius Professor of Engineering Imperial College London, and Dr. Maria Karvela.  DnaNudge’s two recently appointed directors are: Sir Richard Sykes, chair of the UK’s Vaccine Taskforce who was appointed as director of DnaNudge in December 2021; and, Mohammed (“Mo”) El Husseiny, founder of Ventura Capital.

Their ‘lab in a cartridge’ device was approved for clinical use by the MHRA at the end of April 2020 and in August 2020, the UK government purchased 5.8m DnaNudge Covid tests, at a cost of £161m or just under £28 each, to be rolled out in patient care and elective surgery settings.

A couple of months later, in October, DnaNudge entered into a deal with manufacturer Jabil Healthcare to produce 1.4 million “CovidNudge” test cartridges per month by early 2021.  A move to expand their customer base is motivated by money.  The units are being sold to NHS hospitals at cost price, Prof. Toumazou said, “We’ve sold it at cost to the NHS as a philanthropic thing, but our consumer business [on other products] is suffering because we haven’t put the resources into that.”

Formerly Nypro, Jabil Healthcare’s website states that it serves five key sectors in the healthcare market: medical devices, orthopedics; diagnostics; pharmaceutical delivery systems; and, consumer health.  Adding that “taking centre stage are Internet of Things (IoT) and digital health platform innovations enabled by connectivity, sensors and miniaturisation.”

In early November 2020 DnaNudge announced their Covid test was available for people without Covid-19 symptoms. The test is able to return results in 90-minutes and up to 10 people in a work, friends, family or other close contact “bubble” can be tested at the same time on the same cartridge, at a cost of £10 per person.

On 22 December 2020, DnaNudge issued its first FSN which affected all batches.  DnaNudge’s customers had complained there was a disconnection between the blue top cover and the clear bottom cover of the “DNACartridge.” “If any cartridges are identified with loose or missing lids, DO NOT attempt to replace the lid, please dispose of the item appropriately and continue testing with a new cartridge,” DnaNudge instructed.

But there were further problems and DnaNudge’s customers complained once again.  This time the “DNACartridges” reported a negative result when a blank swab was inserted.  Their customers had identified 20 such batches. So, DnaNudge issued its second FSN on 4 January 2021.

“Even in the presence of a negative result, a final diagnosis of the patient should consider all factors such as patient symptoms and context of admission, and not just the test result alone. No test is 100% accurate and a negative result does not rule out infection with SARS-CoV-2,” DnaNudge advised.

A final diagnosis “should consider all factors such as patient symptoms and context of admission, and not just the test result alone.” Wait … are these the same tests that two months prior had been reported as “available for people without Covid-19 symptoms”?

Reading the extract from DnaNudge’s website below, it would seem so.

So, hospitals and clinical settings should diagnose according to symptoms and context of admission but the public, specifically those without symptoms, should self-diagnose on Covid test alone.

And here’s another thing.  Why is it that problems with their products only seem to be picked up by their customers and not DnaNudge’s own quality control? 

And the questions don’t stop there.  When DnaNudge issues an FSN, and people have bought these tests to be used in their “bubble” or for travelling purposes, how is information in the FSN being passed onto their customers who are the public?  It may be because only those without symptoms, healthy people, are advised to use DnaNudge’s Covid test so it’s irrelevant, from controlling an infectious disease standpoint at least, whether the test returns positive or negative.

In August 2021, DnaNudge secured a £43.6 million investment led by Ventura Capital – the company founded by Mo El Husseiny  who is also, since May 2021, the Vice Chairman of DnaNudge.

Despite clinical settings not being able to rely on it for diagnosis and that outside a clinical setting only healthy people are able to use it – both scenarios rendering the test useless – in December 2021, “consumer genetic testing pioneer DnaNudge” announced a key partnership with DAM Health that will see DnaNudge’s 90-minute PCR Covid-19 test deployed across more than 100 clinics in the UK and internationally in 2022.

DAM Health states on its website that it is one of the leading providers in the UK for Covid testing solutions.  It is a UK company incorporated on 6 December 2020. “If you wish you can receive your COVID-19 test results in your Health Passport Worldwide account,” Dam Health declares.

You couldn’t make it up.

Further reading: Did the Government waste £161m in Moonshot money?

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2 years ago

A load of money grabbing charlatans with vested interests and twat faced sykes pushing covid through gov channels so he can make more money as a director of the mickey mouse emperor has no clothes shitty company.

Reply to  Anton
2 years ago

There were 2 interesting news during 2020 which probably connect to this news and the fraud.
The first was that at the beginning of testing sometime there were no capacity to process the tests here and tests ended up in the US – while in the US they were complaining that results ended up on the Amazon-cloud.

The other that during the ‘first wave’ the government changed the rules / law? on being an organ donor. While till then it was voluntary since then you are an organ donor by default unless you op. out at the NHS. Mass genetic testing and countless possible organ donors?

2 years ago

Then I am sorry, but can I have back my money spent on PCRs to be able to travel? A nice couple of hundreds paid for nothing. Worse that it was not a requirement when I went or hardly. The vast majority were required to be able to board and of course the 2nd and 8th day ones…

Last edited 2 years ago by GundelP
2 years ago

‘…a final Covid diagnosis should consider symptoms…’ Wow, what a CON. Good luck to tell the difference bewteen a flu pneumonia or simply pneumonia and a covid one (radiation caused cell death).

They do this all the time, lying about viruses, infections. Just as an interesting detail. Cats have at least two illnesses which – according to them – due to viruses but cannot be tested for sure but can be ‘identified’ only after the death of the animal….
One of them is FIP – which has a very different disease’ picture out of English speaking areas. FIP is not or hardly infectious if you read the English literature. If you ask a vet in C-Europe you’ll learn that it is infectious / contagious. According to my research on this, it is an umbrella turn used for cats basically poisoned to death (food or else, vax? drug?, pesticides? herbicides?). In the same household they usually eat the same, vaccinated at the same time and so on…
The other is cat-AIDS. No sure test, they tried to vax them which caused many deaths as the vaxxed will produce positive tests, if these poor things happen to end up in a cattery they will be put to sleep based on the test result – basically killed.
Same with rabies, while we were taught to stay away from the saliva of the sick, for diagnose you had to send the cut off head of the animal. They used a test called Negri. Some vets tested, it gave positive for the perfectly healthy or died to another reason dogs.

They are murderers, lying to us, conning us for who knows exactly how long but the start was when Rockefellers saw the business in health-care and started to build up their monopoly.

Last edited 2 years ago by GundelP
Phillis Steain
Phillis Steain
Reply to  GundelP
2 years ago

Yes, and this monopoly position for what would become known as Big Pharma was actually ORGANIZED for Rockefeller by none other than the grandfather of Bill Gates. However, prior to that, came the publishing of Pasteur’s Germ Theory of Disease in 1878 – and Pasteur finally admitted that his contemporary at the time – Antoine Béchamp, who had come to the conclusion that the “terrain” was more important – was right prior to his death. Why was Pasteur’s theory the one that gained prominence over that of Béchamp? MONEY, POWER & CONTROL. Pasteur’s theory led to the selling of “vaccinations” and drugs, which benefited Big Pharma; Béchamp’s theory pointed to the use of natural medicine (which Big Pharma were busy trying to destroy). So, there is always history that precedes whatever we are talking about. The sorts of behaviours we are seeing from the so-called “elites” haven’t changed for THOUSANDS of years. The only difference now is that a large number of humans are finally waking up to it!

2 years ago

Scamdemic, was wondering where all the dead bodies where in the streets after all these terrible high infections rates.

Stephen Smith
Stephen Smith
2 years ago

Ever since the start of this contrived emergency there has been massive profiteering and huge sums wasted. PPE and track and trace to name but two. Add to this, the wanton destruction to our economy. Who picks up the bill? The taxpayer of course. All for a virus that killed the average number of people that die in a normal annual flu season. Of course it won’t happen but there should be a thorough, independent, investigation into the advice given and the decisions taken so that those responsible held to account. Many of these, have been on full pay, while the self employed and small businesses have been thrown to the wolves. To add insult to injury some will get awards for their ineptness.

Phillis Steain
Phillis Steain
Reply to  Stephen Smith
2 years ago

Except it isn’t ineptness; it is corruption – so, let’s just call it what it really is?

2 years ago

[…] a final Covid diagnosis should consider symptoms and not rely on the test result alone” – artikkeli (päivitetty […]

2 years ago

[…] By RHODA WILSON 2nd January 2022. Find Article Here:- […]

Colin D
Colin D
2 years ago

Nothing can be diagnosed on a test alone, even where the test is the true gold standard, which the PCR definitely is not. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis after taking a full history and a clinical examination of the patient. A test is only confirmatory, and would never be ordered in the absence of relevant symptoms. The way the PCR procedure (I refuse to call it a test) has been misused in covid has made the role of the doctor redundant.

Phillis Steain
Phillis Steain
Reply to  Colin D
2 years ago

But even there – doctors are being paid special fees for a ‘covid’ diagnosis, and then there are all the fees claimed by hospitals for “covid.” So, there is a lot of corruption going on right through the medical profession, because if they don’t go along, they remove their licence to practice.

2 years ago

[…] Following Complaints from Customers, a UK Covid Test Provider Admits Tests Cannot Be Used to Diagnos… […]

Phillis Steain
Phillis Steain
2 years ago

There should NEVER have been “illnesses” diagnosed simply from a faulty test – PCR was NOT designed as a diagnostic test. One of the African Presidents (Magafuli, from memory) proved the PCR tests were faulty by proving that a goat, a papaya, and engine oil all tested positive for covid! I believe he “died suddenly” some time after this, along with a few other Presidents of countries that refused to go along with the hoax. There were a handful of assassination attempts and I believe most of these succeeded, except for the President of Madagascar, who survived. There were about 5 of these attempts that occurred across a certain period.

Phillis Steain
Phillis Steain
2 years ago

If people would only use their intelligence and STOP lining up like a dutiful herd to be “tested” (or one could say chipped, DNA-harvested and poisoned all at once), then this “scamdemic” would be OVER. Sadly, there appears to be a very low science-IQ in the population and a large dose of cognitive dissonance all around!

2 years ago

[…] titre relatif à un article du magazine « People »: « Man … 2 janvier 2022. Suite aux plaintes des clients, un fournisseur de tests Covid britannique admet que les tests ne peu… Dna Nudge est une société dérivée de l’Imperial College London dont le fondateur et PDG […]