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Grand Jury Proceeding for Covid-19 Crimes Against Humanity – You Are the Jury

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Before proceedings began a week ago, Ana Garner, a United States attorney, briefly explained the Grand Jury Proceeding by the People’s Court of Public Opinion.

The People’s Court of Public Opinion finds its legitimacy in natural law. 

Natural law exists independently of “positive” laws – laws enacted by courts or governments.  Natural rights, rights endowed by birth, are integral to natural law and while positive law may be inspired by natural law, natural law may not be inspired by positive law. 

Natural law recognises that certain rights, moral values, and responsibilities are inherent in human nature, and that those rights can be understood through simple reasoning.  It understands law as a remedy against the great evils of: on the one side, anarchy (lawlessness); and, on the other side, tyranny. 

One of tyranny’s characteristic forms is the co-optation of law to deploy it as a mask for fundamentally lawless decisions cloaked in the forms of law and legality. When this happens, as has been the case for the past two years, we must turn to natural law.

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During her opening remarks, Garner explained the purpose of the Grand Jury Proceeding:

“This Grand Jury investigation serves as a model legal proceeding to present to a jury, consisting of the citizens of the world, all available evidence of Covid-19 crimes against humanity, to date, against leaders, organisers, instigators and accomplices who aided abetted or actively participated in the formulation and execution of a common plan for a pandemic.

“This investigation is of the people, by the people and for the people and shall be referred to as the People’s Court of Public Opinion.

“This proceeding may be one of the most important events outside of the courts that will be done this year. We, as a group of international attorneys, will present real evidence from real experts such as: scientists, historians, doctors, as well as victims. There are no actors in this presentation, only real people who desire to bring justice to the world and we need your help.”

“… portraying a grand jury investigation is the fastest way we know to bring the evidence to the world’s public court.”

Grand Jury Day 1 Opening Remarks: Attorney at Law N. Ana Garner, Opening Statement, 5 February 2022 (5 mins)


It is my honour and pleasure to participate in this international Grand Jury investigation. An enactment of a criminal grand jury against some of the perpetrators who, in a worldwide criminal collaboration, committed crimes against humanity on the entire world’s population in the form of a planned pandemic called Covid-19.

We, a group of international lawyers and a judge, are conducting a criminal investigation modelled after the United States grand jury proceedings. This Grand Jury investigation serves as a model legal proceeding to present to a jury, consisting of the citizens of the world, all available evidence of Covid-19 crimes against humanity, to date, against leaders, organisers, instigators and accomplices who aided abetted or actively participated in the formulation and execution of a common plan for a pandemic.

Crimes to be investigated include: all acts performed or omitted by a person in pursuance of a common design to commit crimes against humanity; and, all such criminal acts condemned in the various communities of jurors around the world.

This investigation is of the people, by the people and for the people and shall be referred to as the People’s Court of Public Opinion.

Having been unable to find a court to hear the actual evidence in the current systems’ courts of law, we are undertaking this proceeding outside of the current system and based on natural law. This in turn is founded on the firm belief that every person can easily distinguish between good and evil, and, between right and wrong.

This proceeding may be one of the most important events, outside of the courts, that will be done this year.

We, as a group of international attorneys, will present real evidence from real experts such as: scientists, historians, doctors, as well as victims. There are no actors in this presentation, only real people who desire to bring justice to the world and we need your help.

The reason for the enactment of a grand jury process is because our world is at a critical stage in humanity which will depend on the awakening of all people to reverse a course which could forever alter the way we live as free humans. We must reverse the trajectory of this course now, and portraying a Grand Jury investigation is the fastest way we know to bring the evidence to the world’s public court, you the people.

In the United States only District Attorneys, or Attorneys General of the various states, are allowed to bring such criminal proceedings. But since no one has done so in the United States, we come forward to present the evidence to you in a form modelled after this type of judicial proceeding, which is common in the United States.

We base this model on the American criminal grand jury.  Typically, the grand jury determines whether the evidence is sufficient to return a criminal indictment against one or more accused. It’s conducted behind closed doors and neither the accused nor his attorney is present in this type of proceeding. However, we’re doing this process in front of full view of the Court of Public Opinion, you the people.

The purpose of this investigation is to reveal the evidence which could be used in this type of proceeding in your jurisdiction.

We invite you to join us in open transparency, using real evidence, real attorneys, a real judge and real expert witnesses that could be presented in an actual criminal grand jury proceeding in the United States courts. The success story of this country was written by people who trusted in a constitutional governance for the people. Our forefathers shouldered epic challenges in our history on the foundation of our Constitution. It was this Constitution, and its recognition of natural rights and freedoms, that released free spirited human beings from the yoke of the British Crown.

Therefore, in recognising the urgency we will be asking you, the Court of Public Opinion, to review the presented evidence in order to reclaim our rights and freedoms granted to every person in this country, and the world, at the end of this proceeding.

What’s Coming Up Next for the Grand Jury Proceeding?

Over the next three weekends, starting on Saturday 12 February, the Grand Jury will present expert witness testimonies.

12 February, the general historical and geopolitical backdrop to all of this:

  • James Bush, former member of the US military who participated in operation Dark Winter in 2001;
  • Brian Gerrish and Alex Thomson, former members of the British intelligence services;
  • Whitney web and Matthew Ehret, investigative journalists; and,
  • Dr. Sylvia Behrend and Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, former World Health Organisation employees and advisors.

13 February, PCR-test:

  • Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, an experienced lung specialist and former member of the German Bundestag and the Council of Europe, who managed to expose the other side’s first attempt at a pandemic, the swine flu of 12 years ago, as a mild flu;
  • Professor Ulrike Kämmerer, biologist from Würzburg University;
  • Dr Mike Yeadon, former Vice President of Pfizer;
  • Dr Sylvia Behrend; Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger; Professor Dolores Cahill of Dublin University; Professor Antonia Gatti from Italy; Professor Berkholtz from Germany.

Next week’s witnesses will focus on: injections, 19 February; and, financial destruction, 20 February.

The final group of witnesses, on 26 February, will present evidence regarding eugenics, followed by closing arguments and the outlook.

Further Resources

During the Opening Session of the Grand Jury aired live on YouTube, HERE, the following gave their opening statements:

If the Opening Session (Day 1) of the Grand Jury is removed from YouTube you can watch it on Odysee HERE.

Logistic support is provided to the proceedings by the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee: website (German) or website (English).

More information about the proceedings can be found on the Grand Jury’s website:

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Denis St-Jean
Denis St-Jean
2 years ago

I Think that the Covid with the mandates, are crimes to depopulate and to inslave those that would survive. Very few people are behind it, but they have the collaboration of the financers, politiciens, and corropted governements compromise for crimes of their owne. They have to be judge and the money system has to be back by gold or silver and to be in the control of legitimates governement, electe democrtiquely.

2 years ago

[…]   Grand Jury Proceeding for Covid-19 Crimes Against Humanity – You Are the Jury  [4:48]   BY RHODA […]

2 years ago

Yesterday was Day 2 (historical background) and today Day 3 (fraudulent PCR test).
Info and videos can be found at grand-jury DOT net.
Keep watching and sharing!

Dorothy weigman
Dorothy weigman
2 years ago

How do I call ntact the grand jury, i heard of the pandemc in 2009, family if bankers using phony trust of people please call me, durango co, 9709466786, it was a whittier trustee fraud greed group. I can prove everything im saying it is a pyramid scheme, my mother was used as president of american securities ans atex a ventilator manufacturer. Please call me! I have a police report one month prior to the outbreak claiming there would be an international event!

Dorothy weigman
Dorothy weigman
2 years ago

My sisters husband is Ed Wertz, he shell games himself he is Clayton Holman Wertz wells fargo, philip wertz b of a, bill wertz wall mart, im not kidding, datex was a ventilator manufacturer they had a vlad and xi as officers of datex. Richard lehn presidenr of ct after my mother asked lehn how on earth will the pandemic bonds be repaid as they were trading at 12 percent, ed said they wont be due to the over population in china, they used my mom for the pandemic bonds, i have a subpoena with the world bank on the pandemic bonds. Family is abn/ amro citi, vic and ed wertz, its about bringing in properties tax free via the sead from eithin the banks and 10 year ahead of time insider trading, obama shut down gain of function after ebola, they sought out trump for the presidency from 2006 on, but also put obama in, they use people as mortgaged backed securities using phony trust of prople!

Dorothy weigman
Dorothy weigman
2 years ago

These mortgaged backed securities start at as 1 billion or 2 billion pooling instruments. They take their group of kids nvestors 8-11 people that all take part in all kinds of fraud, ed was imvestigated as clayton wertz until 2011 for the mortgage crisis, the real clayton eorked at exram in texas they shared his brokerage license. The finra clayton wertz signature is my sisters hand writing specialist kurt baggette congirmed!

Dorothy weigman
Dorothy weigman
2 years ago

Its this group, my family, they acquired american express as american century llc just prior to the pandemic using the trust of my mother, i have proof! They are share holders of chase as ingram. Discover ct, they started in the early 90s as sun trust and brcame capital ine,

Dorothy weigman
Dorothy weigman
2 years ago

Ct merged with pfizer , pfizer called the house in 2010 about the pandemic and what would happen if, they called fouchie fouch he called to from the who “dad foucj is on the phone again” it was planned, look at anyone eith 4 loans on yheir background they compromised and take part for profit. The

Dorothy weigman
Dorothy weigman
2 years ago

The scheme to take down the banks offered to me in 97, i thought i had talked the family bankers out of doubg fraud. Ive been threatened 3 times, im a target as i know how they do their fraud.