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Dr Tom Cowan: The Proof They Provide That the Virus Exists Is a Fraud

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“When we went to medical school, we didn’t really appreciate that fact that there’s big money riding on one side of the fence or the other.  It may not matter to us whether there are viruses or not, we just want to know the truth.  But it does matter if you’re selling vaccines to viruses,” Dr. Lee Merritt said when interviewing Dr. Tom Cowan earlier this month.

Many leading health institutions around the world claim that viruses can be detected in the same way scientists detect exosomes in labs. Exosomes, which are between 30 to 150 nanometers in diameter, are the smallest type of extracellular vesicle known to man. These are small materials that travel in and out of cells to transport material.

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“Exosomes can be found. Same size, same morphology and the same type of genetic material in exactly this way,” Dr. Cowan told Dr. Merritt.

He explained that just like exosomes, virus material is taken directly from a sick person and then put through a process of “maceration, filtering and ultra-centrifugation.” Scientists can even show the morphology of the material or characterise its genome. But no evidence has actually come out that this has been properly done with viruses.

“It’s simply not able to be done with any pathogenic virus,” he said.

He and his colleagues have conducted extensive investigations asking officials everywhere, including those from the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and even expert virologists in labs like the one in Yale University and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, whether or not they have seen virus particles in the fluids of sick people.

“And they say, ‘We don’t have [evidence],’” said Dr. Cowan.

He and his colleagues have also asked expert virologists whether SARS-CoV-2 has been successfully isolated and sequenced.

“We asked this guy … ‘Can you find SARS-CoV-2 in any fluid of any person you say has Covid?’ He said no. [We asked] why not. ‘Because there’s not enough virus to find,’” recalled Dr. Cowan.

He submitted Freedom of Information Act (“FoI”) requests to get the government to release scientific papers that describe the “isolation and purification and characterisation of any SARS-CoV-2 virus from any human being with so-called Covid-19” and none could be presented to him.

He believes this lack of data on SARS-CoV-2 should also call into question whether other viruses that supposedly caused well-known diseases like zika, ebola and even HIV are real.

Source: Virus that causes Covid-19 has NEVER been isolated in a lab – Drs Lee Merritt and Tom Cowan explain

Click on the image below to watch the interview on Brighteon.

Merritt Medical Hour: Dr. Lee Merritt ft. Dr. Tom Cowan, 2 February 2022 (49 mins)

Further reading: Exposing the lies of Germ Theory and virology using their own sources, ViroLIEgy

The Contagion Myth

In his book ‘The Contagion Myth’, Dr. Cowan spends a good length of time  going through all the environmental, electrical and chemical causes of pandemics, convincingly showing that there is no need to invent stories of “killer viruses” when there are so many other obvious factors and causes, such as electrification, radiation, gases (methane, which could the real cause of malaria), chemical poisoning (e.g. DDT, which could be the real cause of polio), bedbugs (which could be the real cause of smallpox) and many more.

Essentially, what the authors are proposing is that so called “contagion” can actually be explained by communal or mass poisoning in an area – by everyone being subjected to the same toxicity/deficiency that gives rise to the disease. A certain cause occurs (people all in the same area are exposed to toxic EM fields, toxic gases or toxic chemicals, or are all subject to poor sanitation) and then a disease arises where everyone shares similar symptoms. There is no need for anyone to “pass” or “catch” anything – at least not on the physical level in terms of particles or viruses.

Source: Book Review, The Contagion Myth by Dr. Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell

Was Smallpox A Case of Medical Propaganda?

For generations, we have been conditioned to believe that smallpox is a highly contagious, indiscriminate, and deadly virus — that it killed many millions worldwide, and that we were only saved from its ghastly ravages by the development of vaccinations. However, what is commonly assumed as settled history may be the result of modern medical propaganda as there is another story: that vaccines did not eradicate smallpox, but actually made the problem worse.

Edward Jenner, often referred to as “the father of immunology,” began experimenting on cows after hearing a local farmer had apparently gained smallpox immunity by inoculating himself with cowpox secretions.

Jenner sat no examinations and purchased a £15 medical degree from St. Andrews University only after he had been practicing for twenty years. His opponents considered him vain, petulant, crafty, and greedy — a ‘self-deluded quack’ who omitted vital information and denounced his own findings only to reassert them when it suited him. Nevertheless, he managed to persuade the influential elites of his convictions and received a £30,000 grant from parliament (roughly £3 million in today’s money) to continue his work.

The Vaccination Act of 1853 made it compulsory for all babies under the age of three months to be vaccinated in England. Before this, the two-year death rate from the disease was 2,000, whereas eighteen years later, during the pandemic of 1871, it had reached 44,800. It is estimated that 90% of those who fell ill had been vaccinated.

Opposition to vaccination grew stronger, as the situation got worse, not better. Huge numbers of people across the land worried that the vaccine was unsafe and unproven. Parents were fined and thrown in prison for refusing to immunise their children, but their commitment to the cause didn’t waver. Through fierce, persistent, and active opposition, parliament eventually passed an act in 1898 that removed penalties and allowed parents to choose whether to have their children vaccinated.

The real problem with smallpox was filth and lack of hygiene surmised Sir Edwin Chadwick.

In her eponymous essay on smallpox, Dr. Vivian Virginia Vetrano writes:

If hygienic care had been resorted to in the beginning of smallpox … no complications would have occurred and there would rarely be a genuine pustule.”

Back in those days patients were kept in bed, in warm rooms, with dirty blankets and closed windows. Doctors applied gauze that had been soaked in corrosive mercuric chloride or carbolic acid and tightly bound the dressings; white blood cells were destroyed; the pus couldn’t escape; toxicity increased and a second fever inevitably followed.

It would seem that medical intervention did not eradicate the disease but rather aggravated it.

Source: Smallpox: A Vaccine Myth?

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Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
2 years ago

If viruses don’t exist then how did Professor Luc Montangier discover the virus that causes HIV \ AIDS?

“COVID-19 Is A Man-Made Virus: HIV-Discoverer Says “Could Only Have Been Created In A Lab” – Professor Luc Montangier who discovered the virus that causes HIV \ AIDS.

How COVID-19’s unique structure means it could be man-made

hi inseel
hi inseel
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
2 years ago

He did not “isolate” the virus. That is the issue. He might have seen something in the biological mish mash soup he thought was HIV. But he did not isolate it, and reinfect another organism. THAT is the issue and the fraud he committed.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  hi inseel
2 years ago

Thank you for your reply. May I put two points to you that are in my mind.

Montagier seemed to me like a man of integrity, so I doubt that he would commit fraud. Also, if there are no viruses, then what was the Wuhan lab working on?

Reply to  Watcher Seeker
2 years ago

Think the issue with the HIV discovery was that it was then claimed this is what went on to cause AIDS then death. Kary Mullis said HIV was not the cause of AIDS. It is interesting to note that people who took Fauci’s lethal drug for AIDs died, those who did not survived (though I don’t know for how long).

Reply to  Jeannette
2 years ago

Mostly recovered. Jon Rappoport had an article about it, a priest in South America took many ‘HIV infected’ a farm where they spent the days outside, growing food and eating that food, all recovered. All.

Reply to  Jeannette
2 years ago

My best friend when i was fresh out of high school in the late 80s died from Fauci’s AZT chemo poison, in which he had shared patents on with Burroughs Welcome pharma. I watched my friend who just awared a scholarship for football at SDU, go from being a 19 yo strong and healthy athelete, to where he could barley swallow the pills within months of taking AZT.

I never questioned my bud about his sexulaity all I wanted to do was to help him fight and not to let his HIV become deadly.
How naive I was when there was no internet back then and all i did was research HIV , talk with medical doctors so we can have information to best keep him healthy. Not only did we not realize that the then PCR test that diagnosed his HIV was a fraud but the media and activists ( Such as ActUp) were demanding AZT be made affordably.

What I learned a decade later after holding my buddy in my arms helping him take the liquid poison would haunt me forever.
Not only did Fauci’s pharma boys infiltrate the gay activist’s groups and create controlled opposition, making it seem AZT was a wonder drug but its scarcity and high price made it more of a desperate attempt to get accesd to AZT.

This just created demand by the actual victims who would fall prey and die a horrific, death but it made Dr. Fauci a media star when he walked out to the gay activists in front of the NIH building to invite them into a conversation. This is the story Fauci likes to share in how at that moment he decided that AZT should be made immediately available to all. who needs it. This includes the thousands of pregnant women in Africa who he murdered with this poison.

I am ashamed of my Government who has allowed him to harm its citizens and enabled big pharma control over our God given bodies.

Here is the expose that exposed Fauci – at least back in the late 80s there were true journalists like Ms. Farber.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mark
Reply to  Watcher Seeker
2 years ago

Professor Luc Montagnier made several interviews where he stated that HIV was not the cause of AIDS and made an about-face on his discovery, where he was awarded the Nobel laureate prize. Unfortunately, he has just passed away last week after making it public that the booster shots will cause autoimmune disease and that parts of the HIV protein were included in the mRNA. In the last decade, he was researching how frequencies affect water and were working on publishing his evidence that would support the mechanism of homeopaths.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mark
Reply to  Mark
2 years ago

Montaigner suddenly died. I think I know why.
He discovered the origin of ‘infection’, his knowledge would screw up the WEF plans.
A short video, it’s the water and EMF!

Reply to  Mark
2 years ago

Sorry, I commented earlier than reading yours. (Below, Montaigner’ discovery)
IHIV never was proven to be the cause of AIDS. It’s a protein present in people who have AIDS syndrome, probably a similar, typical to the condition exosome. In the Montaigner experiment they speak about only sequenced fragments but a whole virus.
Even in his experiment (the video), he used a bacteria which liked to be present there. Not the cause but is there because ‘opportunistic’. Dr Robert O Young proved that red blood cell ‘changes shape’ and becomes bacteria, when it’s needed, the process was recorded on live video (on his site).

Otherwise I agree but still think that that mRNA part just smoke and mirror, people are simply poisoned with graphene oxide just like they were in the past with the drug, AZT, the real cause of AIDS.
It looks to me that they can mimic, induce ‘infections’ via the knowledge about EMF and water but interestingly it doesn’t manifest well in the unvaxxed (‘shedding’), very likely because you, too can influence the water’s EMF unknowingly and / or less poisoned without the graphene shot. (Your terrain.)

Veda Austin proved that we can influence the water(‘s memory) and is intelligent.

Sorry, really a very complex stuff and quite new to me, but that’s what Dr Cowan also said at the end of the video in the article – and I am just trying really understand –
we ‘download’ stuff with the help of the water, as an analogue, ‘we don’t have the hard drive big enough, we download them from a cosmic knowledge cloud’.

A Person
A Person
Reply to  GundelP
2 years ago

Huh? So people like Magic Johnson were tricked into taking HIV medication by some faulty test and are then forced to keep taking it for life coz it makes u reliant on it? And the same for HIV positive kids?

Reply to  A Person
2 years ago

Almost. Not every cases had the same background, not every AIDS was the same (different causes but similar symptoms).

In the US they conned the homosexual people with a legend about a new, deadly virus. They asked them that even if they felt well, go for testing, PCR, then told them that they were found to be positive and to stay alive longer! (notice, not to recover) they need to take the drug, named AZT. AZT was a chemo drug but was too poisonous for chemo. Who ate it developed “AIDS” and died, who didn’t eat it or stopped at the beginning recovered and stayed alive.

There was another ‘type’ of AIDS among the drug addicted connected to a certain drug they used, Kaposi sarcoma was common symptom among them.

There was different in Africa where ‘AIDS’ was due to vaccines and mass poisoning, eg during the last bigger outbreak the countries used the faked AIDS to set foot on the land. Symptoms were caused by things (local reports) that people poured formaldehyde in the wells of the villages, there were news factory leaning chems to the soil, etc. If you are interested in, Rappoport is your man, read back his blog on it, hundreds of articles following the scandal. He wrote the book, AIDS Inc in 1989 I think.

Reply to  Watcher Seeker
2 years ago

Montagnier didn’t discover it.. Kari Mullis asked him for the documentation on it because he was asked to give a speech on it. But no one could provide him with any documentation supporting the scientific claims that HIV causes AIDS.
Start watching at 11:45.. he speaks plain English..

Reply to  Carter
2 years ago

I had forgotton that detail. Very difficult to determine who was the soothsayer then. I am inclined toward Mullis – though they both met an untimely death, though for Pharma timely ones.

Reply to  Jeannette
2 years ago

Montaigner 2 days before his death had a very interesting speech in front of protesters in Italy. That and his discovery on water and EMF (imprint of a virus or rather illness) and lastly he was a scheduled witness in the Fuellmuch Grand Jury case.
His speech in Milan.

Patricia Marris
Patricia Marris
2 years ago

I already give you 10£ a month, I would give more if you would let me print them because I could send to elderly friends who don’t have internet.
Every time I try to print it comes up blank even when I access through duck duck go.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
2 years ago

I think vital knowledge in 8 minutes, what Montaigner discovered and now suddenly died, too.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Patricia Marris
2 years ago

I highlight the text then copy and paste it into a text editor (Notepad) then manually add the links.

Evil Harry Dread
Evil Harry Dread
Reply to  Patricia Marris
2 years ago

If you use linux and a chromium browser, you can print the webpage to a pdf document. Combine that with UBlock Origin and you can block every part of the page that you do not want.
Then just send the pdf to friends and family.

2 years ago

[…] leading health institutions around the world claim that viruses can be detected in the same way scientists […]

2 years ago

Tom Cowan is no longer a “Doctor” because he was basically struck off.
He also talks total rubbish.

The Medical Board of California complained about Cowan for giving an unlicensed drug to a cancer patient without seeing them or reading their notes in 2017 and told Cowan to either surrender his license as there was a disciplinary action against him or be put on probation for 5 years with extra training and banning him from treating cancer patients.
In other words he was “struck off” and is no longer a doctor.

“”Doctor” Thomas Cowan, isn’t surrendering his medical license because he’s learned his lesson. Instead, he’s watched how other quacks have become millionaires and plans to follow in their footsteps.”

Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
Reply to  GeoffB
2 years ago

“By signing this Agreement for Surrender of License, I recognize that upon its formal acceptance by .the Board, I will lose all rights and privileges to practice as a Physician and Surgeon in the State of California and that I have delivered to the Board my wallet certificate and wall license. ” Dated 2021 January 29

I thought as much. He surrendered his practice licence on 2021January29 by agreement. He is no longer a doctor. It is a fraud for him to call himself one. He is the fraud not Covid. And the only thing that is non existent here is his medical licence.

Reply to  Lords Witnesses
2 years ago

He fulfilled the university, he worked as a doctor, he has the knowledge, he is a doctor then. Rest is only Big Pharma’s bureaucracy.

Many doctors gave up their licences to be able to really help people which was impossible under the rules and protocols of Rockafella’ medicine. Christiane Northrup, Susan Humpries, I am not sure about Sherri Tenpenny, Dr Madej has private clinics, Dr Kaufman also has private practice now. This is the way, less and less wish to eat their poisonous drugs or have their poisonous vaxxes.

Dr Kaufman explains why, the history of the modern medicine.
Worth to have a look at the comments…
‘Veteran Saves Mother’s Life With Chlorine Dioxide: The FDA Hides Alternative Treatments’
rumble. com/ vviebj-veteran-saves-mothers-life-with-chlorine-dioxide-the-fda-hides-alternative-.html
(remove the spaces from the link)

Last edited 2 years ago by GundelP
Reply to  GundelP
2 years ago

Kaufman was a psychiatrist but since found it more profitable selling snake oil to the gullible.

He now calls himself a Natural Healing Consultant.

Here is some of the products he now sells ……
Shilajit-Mumijo mineral water at $430 for a years supply.
Aǹalemma Water Wand at $199.90.
Premium membership of his “True Medicine” library at $50 a year.

The handful of people with a medical or scientific background that say viruses do not exist are totally discredited, some of whom have been struck off or are under investigation. They all have books, pills, lotion and potions to sell to the gullible as they can’t make a living out of main stream medicine or science. People like Lanka, Kaufman, Cowan and Bailey.

These people have seduced others in the alternative media without a medical or scientific background but who also have books to sell and websites to fund to support their spurious Terrain Theory 19th century claims and that “viruses do not exist”. People like David Icke, Jon Rappaport, Mike Adams etc.

They keep appearing on each others platforms, including Alex Jones Infowars, and keep quoting each other and operate in an echo chamber of lies and deceit to illicit money from the gullible.

ALL their claims about “viruses not existing” have been debunked.

Kaufman has been debunked here
And here

Reply to  GeoffB
2 years ago

You love to LIE.
Dr Kaufman is a molecular biologist. He was an expert witness, forensic psychiatrist – a kind of detective-doctor if you like – he learnt psychiatry to better understand people.

He completed his psychiatric training at Duke University Medical Center after graduating from the Medical University of South Carolina, and has a B.S. from M.I.T. in Molecular Biology. “

They seduced no one, certainly not me. I was suspicious long before them as the germ theory didn’t make sense at all, but every explanation of the lying Rockafella medicine followed the money. Kaufman and the rest only gave answers with PROOF.

Your side is the one who is unable to prove that viruses are exist. His side – on the other hand – was able to give proof to many frauds.

Trace minerals are not snake oils. He offers trace minerals.

Reply to  GundelP
2 years ago

His main business is selling snake oil to the gullible as shown by his own website.

He is one of only a handful of people with medical or scientific qualifications who keep spouting the nonsense that “viruses do not exist” because they can make money out of it.

He and the others are an irrelevance.

Because he has divided the sceptical community it is suggested that he is “paid opposition”, a “shill” and a “gatekeeper” for Big Pharma and this whole Covid tyranny.

2 years ago

When it’s an article by Rhoda Wilson you just know it’s going to be about the ridiculous notion that “viruses do not exist”.

Cowan is a charlatan.

And another one.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
2 years ago

Please ignore the “trolls”, and focus on understanding, and writing articles correctly and in detail.
Tom didn’t submit the FOI requests, and there is no “lack of data” for “sars-cov-2” and for “viruses”. There is lack of PROOF. They have NOT been proven.
And this is not about Tom. It is about “viruses” and “virology”.
So write with that question at the centre, and get down to knowing the details, so that you can present the arguments (and the truth) correctly, and you can also defend your own articles.
Stop being neither here nor there, and get down to finding the truth.
And the same goes for all of you reading this also.
See if there is anything truly isolated/purified (so as to have only one type of particle to then observe and study – NOT a soup of things and various sources of genetic material, which is then probed with PCR to find sequences that are ASSUMED to be parts of the “virus”, that is in turn also ASSUMED to be there), directly from a patient (NOT from a “culture” in the lab – because you can not prove that whatever you find in the “culture” in the lab was actually in the patient), without all kinds of toxic interventions (antibiotics, starvation of cells and so on), characterized and sequenced (from beginning to end – NOT with the arbitrary and ASSUMED/”CONSENSUS””sequencing” methods that they use), and then proven to cause illness BY ITSELF, and in a healthy human being (NOT in poisoned and starved, monkey kidney cells, in the lab), and shown to cause the exact “symptoms” that are claimed, and shown to be transferred (as the exact same type of particle and exact same composition) from person to person, and making them ill with the same exact “symptoms”.
Ask the questions, and look for the answers.

Reply to  Dash
2 years ago

Christine Massey, she is a Canadian activist, she recently had an interview with Garreth Icke (Right Now), when she told about the FOI requests which were sent, around 170 just about Sars-Cov2, and many more about other so called viral illnesses, there are no records of proper isolation, nowhere.
Watch it people.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
2 years ago

Yes I can.

The overwhelming evidence showing that viruses exist.

Viruses are a quirk of nature and there is scientific debate on whether they are living organisms or not. It has always been know that it is impossible to “isolate” a virus in the dictionary sense of the term. (A similar concept to the quirk of nature in Quantum Mechanics whereby light can be a particle OR a waveform).

Viruses have been shown to exist by modern virology through experiments with a living isolated single human cell infected with a virus and shown to infect a different living healthy human cell without the virus. (Modern Virologists have always known that viruses cannot be “isolated” or “purified” in the dictionary sense of the word as viruses are only evident when attached to a living cell). Mock controls are done in almost every case using the same known liquid suspension or substrate. The experiment is written up in a scientific paper for peer review. Just search the internet for “virus cell culture paper” for thousands of these papers. No paper has had to be retracted.

Viruses have been shown to exist via modern electron microscopy and photographed showing the virus which is similar but different to an exosome. Just search the internet for “virus cell culture paper”, Images. Again no paper has been retracted.

Viruses have been shown to exist via modern whole gene sequencing (which is the preferred method of identification) of all of the base pairs. SARS-CoV-2 and it’s variants have 29,903 base pairs which have been laboriously whole gene sequenced (it takes 4 to 5 days and NOT computer generated) and uploaded to the GISAID Initiative over 7 million times. Again no paper has been retracted.

Viruses have been shown to exist via PCR tests which are highly specific and accurate in detecting a unique long gene sequence fragment of the virus you want to detect (if done properly). It is not so good at diagnosing infection as the virus detected maybe dead fragments and not viable which can only be done by cell culture in a wet lab. However, the CT rate if low is an indication of infectability. (Although PCR tests are incredibly accurate it all depends on the Quality Control measures in the labs. The Lighthouse labs for mass testing in the UK have poor Quality Control and produce many “false positives”). Again no paper has been retracted.

Viruses have been shown to exist in the German courts in the infamous Lanka v Bardens case where all the judges and experts agreed that the measles virus was real. (Lanka weaseled himself out of paying the 100,000euro bet by persuading the court that it was proved by “six” scientific papers and not “one” that he had asked for).

There has been no scientific paper, even a pre-print or one not peer reviewed, that has ever suggested that viruses do not exist.

Unlike thousands of sceptical climate scientists questioning man made global warming there has been no retired virologist or otherwise with nothing to lose in coming forward with any doubts about “viruses existing”. There have been no death bed confessions from modern virologists. There have been no scientific papers suggesting viruses do not exist. This indicates that viruses are real and do exist as has been proved by the methods already stated.

The US has over 200 bioweapons labs around the world, there are many, many others. They are all working on viruses etc. If there is a biological accident or attack your semi-religious belief that “viruses do not exist” will not save you from sickness and/or death.

Some charlatans with a failed scientific/medical background with books to sell, websites to fund and pills, lotions and potions to sell to the gullible have seen the profit potential of abandoning mainstream medicine in favour of the 19th century Terrain Theory and “viruses do not exist” quackery. People like Stefan Lanka, Andrew Kaufman, Tom Cowan, Sam Bailey etc.

These people have seduced others in the alternative media without a medical or scientific background but who also have books to sell and websites to fund to support their spurious 19th century claims and that “viruses do not exist”. People like David Icke, Jon Rappaport, Mike Adams, Alex Jones etc.

They keep appearing on each others platforms, including Alex Jones Infowars, and keep quoting each other and operate in an echo chamber of lies and deceit to illicit money from the gullible. ALL their claims about “viruses not existing” have been debunked.

Facts are facts and viruses have been shown to exist.

These people may be right when they say Covid, lockdowns, masks, vaccines, global warming, controlling the masses and many other subjects are a cause for concern but on “viruses not existing” they are totally wrong, out of date and have been shown to be wrong.

You may be a follower of these people and want to believe they are right 100% of the time but on “viruses not existing” they are just plain wrong, out of date and have been shown to be wrong.


Reply to  GeoffB
2 years ago

It’s a shame you can’t show any proof apart from belief.
Dr Lanka is a Nobel prize winner virologist, when he says that pathogenic viruses don’t exist I tend to listen to him and check his proof – rather than your never ending BS comments and blatant lies.

Oh by the way, it will hurt.

South-Africa is fighting against covid restrictions based on “SHOW ME THE VIRUS”.

This will hurt, too.

At the beginning of the UK’s Coronavirus Act 2020 is Null and Void, they demanded proof from the government that Sars-Cov2 exists. The deadline was Aug 2020. Guess what? Never got the proof and never were allowed to have a fair trial or any trial. WOW. 🙂
Feel free to check the case’ details on crowdjustice.

Last edited 2 years ago by GundelP
Reply to  GundelP
2 years ago

Total rubbish.

Show me the evidence Lanka won a Nobel prize.

He has been totally discredited here


and here

2 years ago

[…] – Dr Tom Cowan: The Proof They Provide That the Virus Exists Is a Fraud […]

2 years ago

While I can believe this virus has not been identified – I cannot believe whether a virus or something else that there is nothing like contagion of something – over Christmas visited family with colds and both myself and my husband caught it almost straight away. As this would be most people’s experience…I really don’t get this argument at all – it’s not logical. Sure with a good diet

Reply to  Jeannette
2 years ago

It’s simple, and you get it – you just don’t realize it yet.
There is a “phenomenon”, or an “experience”, or a result/observation, and the question is what is really happening and how.
Just because something looks like “contagion”, that doesn’t mean there is “contagion”. People “falling ill” at the same time, with similar “symptoms”, doesn’t mean that they gave the “symptoms” (or some kind of “pathogen”) to each other.
And even if there is “contagion” in some cases, and/or something is indeed transferred, that doesn’t mean that that something is a “virus” (= “infectious””pathogenic” particle, that chases you around, gets in your cells, multiplies, blows them all up, and makes you ill).
So, ask the questions, of what is really happening and how, and of whether so-called “viruses” have ever been actually proven, and see what you find.

Reply to  Jeannette
2 years ago

It’s logical. In most of the cases what people think as virus infection in reality due to some kind of poisoning.
With examples, the US’ big polio epidemic was due to pesticide overdose, DDT and others (first another type they used on apple trees), these pesticides killed the bugs with paralyzing them. When the truth started to come out they sold the DDT to Europe.

Right now – according to Firstenberg and many more – the flu / covid pandemics are mainly because of the electro-smog. Depending on your body (like Glutathione reserve in the liver), and because it has a cumulative effect just like X-ray, some more sick some are less, some are not affected. Also you can’t see these waves (as you were not evolved to see them) or smell, you can never know when you were in a the wrong place at the wrong time.

There are another thing, our DNA act as antenna, think about tuning forks when one gives the resonance to another one close to it. It’s very likely that children illnesses are in this category (and they are necessary as it turned out they have protective qualities, you have it naturally and later in time one protect you from heart disease, the other from asthma, etc)

2 years ago

[…] Read More: Dr Tom Cowan: The Proof They Provide That the Virus Exists Is a Fraud […]

2 years ago

[…] Read More: Dr Tom Cowan: The Proof They Provide That the Virus Exists Is a Fraud […]

2 years ago

Jenner sounds a lot like Fauci !!

Reply to  Philip
2 years ago

Jenner was mad. His son died because of his experiments and the son’s young friend / slave, too.
He used puss from sick animals to deliver it to humans’ body via wounds (the start of vaccination but back then it was not a needle).

Pasteur killed more than he saved (if he saved any at all).
Even the process we call pasteurization is highly questionable. Raw milk is one of the healthiest food in the world, it has every nutrient, it’s ‘life itself’. But the heating process ruins the enzymes in it, those enzymes which task is to help to digest and absorb nutrients, minerals, vitamins. Because of it, after heating it is more harmful than helpful. The leading cause of calcium deficiency.

Both were favored by the Rockafellas, they recognized the huge opportunity, the golden egg in the germ theory, hidden, no proof required, easy to make believe and cheaper than to keep the rivers and wells clean. That’s how we ended like this.

Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
2 years ago

Perhaps Dr Cowan thinks a Furin Cleavage site is to be found on Page 3 of the Sun?

“Viruses that cause COVID-19 have never been isolated in a lab”

If you read the German report, translated by google translate – They genetically sequenced several thousand cases – completely. That is several thousand isolations. The rest they rely on omicron specific PCR. Here are two papers from people who isolated Covid-19 in a lab. They are public domain. 

Of course if COVID-19 has never been isoalted in a lab, then the lab leak hypothesis is false and Fauci and Gates and Collins are nicely exonerated.

So I wonder who would pay medics to deny the existence of Covid-19?

I learned a long time ago that people who lie and coverup also infiltrate the outfits of those that are trying to expose them. If Dr Cowan can get SOME of us to believe that Covid19 is caused by 7G nanodaleks and that viruses do not exist. Then his job is done.

Does Dr Cowan believe in Computer Viruses?

Here is the scriptural reference: The soldiers platted a Crown of Thorns, a Corona of Spike proteins.(Matthew27, Mark15, John19). A Platt is a double Helix, the structure of DNA (if it exists that is of course).

The Viral RNA (short lived) is then transcribed from viral DNA (long lived)

Mind you provocative statements do sell books.

So I propose that rather than every virologist on the planet being a fraud and the whole subject being an investigation into the non existent. Dr Cowan is trying to make a fast buck from an over provocative book and does not care what damage he does to the life saving anti vax cause in the process or to the 40 million people living with HIV AIDS and the millions who catch it every year from having unprotected sex (with Daleks)

Last edited 2 years ago by Lords Witnesses
Reply to  Lords Witnesses
2 years ago

Sequencing is another FRAUD. How do you sequence something you can’t purify, isolate aka separate it from everything else? How do you know what you sequence then? Besides their sequences are just a tiny part of the whole thing, but full sequences, software fills the rest, differently every time, hence there are countless ‘variants’.

The so called Sars-Cov2 sequence (in their data bank) is part of the human chromosome 8 and appx. 100 bacteria.

What is base of their database of these sequences to compare? Where were those viruses isolated and sequenced which are the base of their databank?

For Sars-Cov2 they used the tiny piece of sequence they claim was part of the SARS. Based on 87% matching part. Humans and chimpanzee’ have 97% in common. Are chimpanzees?

Last edited 2 years ago by GundelP
2 years ago

[…] Veel vooraanstaande gezondheidsinstellingen in de wereld beweren dat virussen op dezelfde manier kunnen worden opgespoord als wetenschappers exosomen in laboratoria opsporen. Exosomen, die tussen de 30 en 150 nanometer in doorsnee zijn, zijn het kleinste type extracellulaire blaasjes dat de mens kent. Het zijn kleine materialen die in en uit de cellen reizen om materiaal te vervoeren, schrijft […]

2 years ago

[…] Read More: Dr Tom Cowan: The Proof They Provide That the Virus Exists Is a Fraud […]

2 years ago

[…] Veel vooraanstaande gezondheidsinstellingen in de wereld beweren dat virussen op dezelfde manier kunnen worden opgespoord als wetenschappers exosomen in laboratoria opsporen. Exosomen, die tussen de 30 en 150 nanometer in doorsnee zijn, zijn het kleinste type extracellulaire blaasjes dat de mens kent. Het zijn kleine materialen die in en uit de cellen reizen om materiaal te vervoeren, schrijft […]

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
2 years ago

No viruses ?

“More evidence Covid was tinkered with in a lab? Now scientists find virus contains tiny chunk of DNA that matches sequence patented by Moderna THREE YEARS before pandemic began”.

Reply to  Watcher Seeker
2 years ago

Lab created or natural it should have been isolated and proven to cause the illness. WHERE IS IT? That’s the point.

They patent what they wish, they control everything.
If you can’t isolate a virus then how could you tamper with it?
No, they discovered that illnesses have a certain frequency, they try to manipulate us with that, using this knowledge.
Watch the Montaigner discovery I linked in another comments above (video), very informative on this.

At this point use your brain, common sense, you can’t see viruses, they can’t prove they exist, but you could see the many new antennas and masts they deployed at the beginning of the faked pandemic. Then what is more likely what makes you sick?

They must keep the virus legend alive for their plans as that’s your biggest jail, your own fear of germs. They must divert people from the real reasons, 5G, the kill grid, the metals they are spaying to influence the weather and poison us and that and who suffers suffers from acute radiation sickness (all the symptoms matched).

The Daily Mail and the MSM are pushing this lab BS further and further but their weak point is the G(s), 5G especially, without it it is over to them, or they have to find another way (war eg, Putin is also a WEF guy just telling). As they stole everything they need a good enough diversion to blame the economic collapse on it (and to kill many with it and control the rest). For control they need to vax people (graphene oxide, nano-tech) but how could you persuade them if the virus legend is dead?

Reply to  Watcher Seeker
2 years ago

Lab created or natural it should have been isolated and proven to cause the illness. WHERE IS IT? That’s the point.

They patent what they wish, they control everything.
If you can’t isolate a virus then how could you tamper with it?
No, they discovered that illnesses have a certain frequency, they try to manipulate us with that, using this knowledge.
Watch the Montaigner discovery I linked in another comments above (video), very informative on this.

At this point use your brain, common sense, you can’t see viruses, they can’t prove they exist, but you could see the many new antennas and masts they deployed at the beginning of the faked pandemic. Then what is more likely what makes you sick?

They must keep the virus legend alive for their plans as that’s your biggest jail, your own fear of germs. They must divert people from the real reasons, 5G, the kill grid, the metals they are spaying to influence the weather and poison us and that and who suffers suffers from acute radiation sickness (all the symptoms matched)
brighteon. com/ c956deb1-3b4e-488f-954d-9f856b947e9f (remove the spaces from the link)

The Daily Mail and the MSM are pushing this lab BS further and further but their weak point is the G(s), 5G especially, without it it is over to them, or they have to find another way (war eg, Putin is also a WEF guy just telling). As they stole everything they need a good enough diversion to blame the economic collapse on it (and to kill many with it and control the rest). For control they need to vax people (graphene oxide, nano-tech) but how could you persuade them if the virus legend is dead?

2 years ago

[…] 22. Februar 2022 The Expose: Dr Tom Cowan: The Proof They Provide That the Virus Exists Is a Fraud […]