The NWO, A German Philosopher & Putin’s Russia.

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President Vladimir Putin has, it seems, has been warning us about the dangers of a NWO for many years and has been accusing journalists of not doing their jobs properly due to their failure to inform the masses that NATO’s persistent and endless eastern expansion towards the Russian border is driving us all towards WW3.

Despite his warnings, Putin has been frustrated that the public was not listening, some are not listening still and any topic that has the mere mention of the term “New World Order “(NWO), is deemed a conspiracy theory, even among those who do not believe the last two years of “pandemic” lies. The plan for a New World order, however, is very real.


A lot can be discovered these days through a quick google search of the term NWO which is a generic term, however, various other names are used, such as the Great Reset, Agenda 21, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, all referring to the tyrannical future manipulated and planned for us by a group of influential and powerful individuals.

The New World Order is not in fact a”new” concept at all, it is very old and was conceived more than one hundred years ago and used by political leaders to refer to a worldwide conspiracy for a top-down authoritarian one-world governance, abolishing sovereign states, nations, and borders, in favour of a one-world, unelected government, ie. a small group of “elites”, who are very rich, powerful individuals with the aim to control the world undemocratically imposing their rules.

The “Elite”

These individuals and their plans for the world can also be found through a quick google search under different names including “the elite” “Illuminati”, the “cabal”, “oligarchs” “The Order”, The Group” and more, some of these terms will be used interchangeably in this article.

Despite the fact there we now have the internet to aid us in identifying these individuals and gaining knowledge of their plans, they have gone relatively undetected for years.

Yet they have either set up or infiltrated every sphere of our existence, from education, research, and therefore opinion-making organisations in the world, they also control the church, business, government, and politics.

Worth a watch –

This means that even though we may think that there are decisions made by grassroots ideas, this is simply not true. Everything that we believe has been manufactured by these elites.

Hegelian Theory

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1770 – 1831

It may seem unbelievable that a “small group” would be able to achieve this, but they do it through a historically proven successful method of control using a Hegelian influence that glorifies the state and also manages to create a dumbed-down society.

This Hegelian ideology is in direct opposition to classical liberalism where the State is always subordinate to the individual. In Hegelian Statism, which is seen in Naziism and Marxism where the State is supreme, the individual exists only to serve the State.

This is a theory devised by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel a German philosopher who theorised that history followed a pre-determined path that would ultimately lead to the final perfect state of human freedom. He also believed that progress is through contrived conflict: in other words, the clash of opposites makes for progress.

The Dialectic

If you can control the opposites, you dominate the nature of the outcome, unfortunately, the global population have always fallen for this control, allowing ourselves to be in opposition to each other, instead of to the individuals who have created the issues.

An example of this was seen when this small group of Hegelian elites was very much part of the decision-making process of what is a major Hegelian conflict: Naziism vs. Communism. The elites were instrumental in financing and encouraging both sides of the left and right conflict and to a significant extent, controlled the outcome.

This was a pre-determined path which was ultimately determined by a process called the “dialectic”: thesis – antithesis – synthesis. The thesis is played against an antithesis which leads to synthesis, simplified a commonality between both sides which often seems as if the people themselves chose the outcome, and are therefore appeased by it (source)


During the Cold War for instance Russia, was the thesis, to the U.S. antithesis, and they were brought together through a synthesis.

However, former KGB intelligence Vladimir Putin was the handpicked successor of Boris Yeltsin who himself was actually picked by these individuals or “oligarchs”, to be Russian and former Soviet politician and served as the first president of the Russian Federation from 1991 to 1999.

Handing over the presidency to Putin in 1999, the role was at first unchanged as Putin was said to be pretty much following in Yeltsin’s cabal-controlled footsteps through corruption and taking bribes and generally acting like a double agent.

The Plan For Global Supremacy

The elite plan relies on the United States’ remaining the hegemonic superpower which cannot be challenged by another country, this has resulted in attempts to isolate, weaken, and surround Russia.

This aligns with the Wolfowitz doctrine and Brzezinski principle which became the American foreign policy during the Bush administration and has continued to be the template for the U.S Foreign Policy 

Putin was said to have turned against the cabal, which was the beginning of a propaganda-filled campaign against the Russian President who they believed threatened their plans.

The Propaganda

This is easy to do due to 80% of the media being owned by only a handful of billionaires, and according to journalist Udo Ulfkotte in 2014, journalists are bribed and paid to betray the people all over Europe. He says that there are people behind it to push for war, not just politicians and journalists too.

 Ulfkotte said he was bribed by billionaires to not tell the truth — video below

Putin’s WW3 Warning.

Nevertheless, for years, Putin has made it clear in speeches and interviews that he could see very clearly the direction and purpose of US-NATO actions and tried to warn people. Putin has been recorded as saying ” I cannot help but ask those who have caused this situation – Do you know what you have done?” (source).

The Russian Insider reported on July 6th, 2016 that “Putin railed against the journalists for their “tall tales” in blindly repeating lies and misinformation provided to them by the United States on its anti-ballistic missile systems being constructed in Eastern Europe. He pointed out that since the Iran nuclear deal, the claim the system is to protect against Iranian missiles has been exposed as a lie.” 

The journalists were informed that within a few years, Russia predicted the US would be able to extend the range of the system to 1000 km. At that point, Russia’s nuclear potential, and thus the nuclear balance between the US and Russia, would be placed in jeopardy. 

Putin completely lost patience with the journalists, berating them for lazily helping to accelerate a nuclear confrontation by repeating US propaganda.

He virtually pleaded with the western media, for the sake of the world, to change their line:

Again this suggests that the “impending danger” and “irreversible direction” that Putin is referring to is the situation we are finding ourselves in now.

I Don’t Know How To Get Through Anymore

On June 17th, 2016, at a meeting with foreign journalists at the conclusion of the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum, Putin also warned journalists:

The ‘Iranian threat’ does not exist but the NATO Missile Defense System is being positioned in Europe … [US-NATO is] always referring to the ‘Iranian threat’ in order to justify this system. Once again, they lied to us.

“Now the system is functioning, and being loaded with missiles. As you [journalists] should know, these missiles are put into capsules, which are used in the Tomahawk long range missile system.”

“So, these are being loaded with missiles that can penetrate territories within a 500km range, but we know that technologies advance, and we even know in which year the US will accomplish the next missile.

“This missile will be able to penetrate distances of up to 1000km, and then even further, and from that moment on, they will start to directly threaten Russia’s nuclear potential.”

We know year by year what’s going to happen, and they know that we know. It’s only you that they tell tales to, and you buy it, and spread it to the citizens of your countries. Your people in turn do not feel a sense of the impending danger – this is what worries me.”

“How do you not understand that the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction, while they pretend that nothing’s going on?
I don’t know how to get through to you anymore …”

Again, this seems to show that Putin may not be a great fan of the forthcoming plans?

The video below from a 2016 Info Wars also addresses the Speech from Putin at St Petersburgh.

Please watch.

Subsequently, the U.S through being the hegemonic superpower is being utilised to create a one-world government through cultural, economic, and military domination, and the organisations that the U.S. controls such as NATO, are being used as the military tool of the New World Order.

Any significant resistance to this, or the system change from sovereign to a NWO, totalitarian state which is the “thesis”, is ultimately the “antithesis” and elite created conflict would ensue followed by propaganda that would have us believe that those who act as the resistance to the agenda, are the enemy.

Putin’s warnings have been ignored and here we are, seeing them come to fruition and again as a dumbed-down society, our thoughts and opinions on the situation, have been and are being manipulated.

Thankfully there are now too many people who will see right through the elite’s plans and any synthesis that they bring in to appease us. Arent’ there?

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2 years ago

Putin is a proponent of the World Economic Forum so I’m a bit confused 🤔

J Far
J Far
Reply to  Paula
2 years ago

Yeah, you’re not the only one.

Reply to  Paula
2 years ago

See my offering above

Reply to  Paula
2 years ago

Previous year (or 2020) at the World Economic Forum meeting he had an excellent speech speaking totally against their agenda. Pointing out that the reset would fail, that countries should be independent, but work to have good trade relations to the benefit of all, pointed out that ordinary people had not had any significant salary raise the last thirty years while costs has risen significantly, and emphazising that it is the middle class that is upholding the economy of a country. Made him very unpopular. Do a search and you will find the transcript.

Last edited 2 years ago by Samsen
Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Paula
2 years ago

Putin, Trudeau Both Part of World Economic Forum’s Leadership Training

Reply to  Watcher Seeker
2 years ago

A dancing Bear chained to Klaws Slob, the Hollyweird central casting cardboard cut out NAZI you say? Just another circus act like the rest of the girly men “running” the gone to seed impoverished Western shitholes, you say….?

Watch and wonder at what comes next.

Reply to  Paula
2 years ago

I get paid over $90 per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over 15k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless .
Here’s what I have been doing…

Last edited 2 years ago by Rio
2 years ago

[…] ! The NWO, A German Philosopher & Putin’s Russia   BY PATRICIA […]

2 years ago

If Putin really cares about fighting the Great Reset, he should stop injecting the Russian populace with experimental gene therapy developed by the WEF/DARPA, stop forcing Russians to show QR code poison death shot passports to go indoors, stop censoring Russian scientists and stop the rollout of central bank digital currency in his country.

If not any of that, how about he at least cancels his membership with the WEF and denounces the Young Global Leaders program which has groomed him for the last 30 years?

Even just giving a speech where he says “F*** Klaus Shwab” would be a good start.

Why doesn’t he do any of this? Being generous, we could say it’s because he’s controlled opposition. But really, he openly supports the New World Order. He works for them. This “war” is theatre. It is a way for both the US and Russia to distract us all from something else.

not sure
not sure
Reply to  MolecCodicies
2 years ago

Exactly. Why would the top of the food chain ever expose itself in a one world government, when pitting two puppet teams against each other allows you to manipulate the dialectic indefinitely, provide endless ‘free floating anxiety’ and an external ‘other’ to blame everything on?

Russia doesn’t seem to play along much with the global warming narrative from what i know. But, both teams are dancing to the same tune on the Covid Narrative. Why use an iron fist when you can keep using puppet strings forever?

Last edited 2 years ago by not sure
Reply to  MolecCodicies
2 years ago

“giving a speech where he says “F*** Klaus Shwab” would be a good start.”

His speech at the World Economic forum in 2020 or 2021 was basicly very much doing that. Search for it and you will find it. I’ve read it. A very good speach pointing out what is clearly obvious for us who have our heads in right place.

Last edited 2 years ago by Samsen
Reply to  Samsen
2 years ago

Beginning his address with a very friendly and intimate “dear Klaus,” Putin recalled how he first met Mr. Schwab in 1992 and since then had regularly attended events organized by the Fourth Industrial Revolution visionary.

Putin used this very important speech to call for “expanding the scale of testing and vaccinations” around the world, describing COVID as an existential threat that required close international cooperation. The entire global economy will need to be rebuilt from the ground up by central banks, because the virus is just so deadly and destructive:

“[T]he key question today is how to build a program of actions in order to not only quickly restore the global and national economies affected by the pandemic, but to ensure that this recovery is sustainable in the long run, relies on a high-quality structure and helps overcome the burden of social imbalances. Clearly, with the above restrictions and macroeconomic policy in mind, economic growth will largely rely on fiscal incentives with state budgets and central banks playing the key role.”

Is that how you say “Build Back Better” in Russian?

2 years ago

I’ve always thought its completely unnecessary to bring Hegel into the matter. He did not invent the dialectical processes used to divide and conquer. I would have to carefully re-read Hegel (which ain’t gonna happen) but I think bringing his philosophy into these political discussions does an injustice to his work.
I suppose the reason is Karl Marx. But look, Marx’s shady philosophical amalgamations where stolen from more than just Hegel. Just as Freud’s theories where a perversion of Nietzsche’s ideas dressed up as science.
It seems odd to me to blame the guy whose philosophy was stolen, perverted, and manipulated for a political agenda rather than the shyster using it.

not sure
not sure
Reply to  Matt
2 years ago

Obviously Hegel is much more complicated and unique than a few paragraphs can sum up. However, it is worth noting that Macron wrote a master’s thesis on Hegel’s dialectic and Machiavelli’s Prince. Presumably without his wife’s help. Scary thought, isn’t it? In any event, no I won’t be reading Hegel again either. lol

not sure
not sure
2 years ago

All valid points. However, I’ve been considering the idea that what is desired is another Cold War.

If you are the true globalists at the top of the food chain pyramid, how is it the most efficient way to maintain control indefinitely?

Manipulating two teams is the easiest. Just like Republican vs. Democrat, etc. Using such a mechanism, you continually use the dialectic indefinitely.

The NWO one world government thing… if I were doing it… I wouldn’t offer any transparency at the top. I would play two puppet teams against each other for the rest of history.

not sure
not sure
Reply to  not sure
2 years ago

As evidence of this, note how RT has never challenged much about the covid narrative at all. From what I can gather, Russia played along with the general idea of the narrative, never challenging any of the core elements.

not sure
not sure
Reply to  not sure
2 years ago

Two teams also provide endless ‘free floating anxiety’ (nukes), and a constant external ‘other’. These are indispensable features of global control.

And just like the covid narrative, for really important stuff, you can create some internal enemy to provide the dialectic, and both teams will take similar actions.

2 years ago

[…] Izvor […]

2 years ago

I recommend eveyone reads this article, which gives a very very different perspective on Putin’s relationship to the NWO and Great Reset:

Spoiler: he supports it 100%

I think the Expose would be doing a great service to republish this article themselves as well.

Reply to  MolecCodicies
2 years ago

Off Guardian is another website always worth following; along with Expose, UK Column. I also recommend Independence Daily and TCW Defending Freedom.

Reply to  mcc
2 years ago

PS I dont automatically agree with everything it says but it adds an important perspective for consideration.

Reply to  mcc
2 years ago

PS Correction : I don’t automatically agree or disagree with everything Off Guardian says but it adds an important perspective for consideration. eg not sure re Putin 100% globalist, I think it might be more nuanced than that.

Reply to  mcc
2 years ago

PS Re Independence Daily: This is a very unique detailed daily exposure of the lies and hypocrisy particularly of our mainstream media. Strongly recommended. I always enjoy the Editor’s particular unique brand of sarcasm. Plus various archived articles are shown on the website on a rotating basis.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  MolecCodicies
2 years ago

More on this topic –

Putin, Trudeau Both Part of World Economic Forum’s Leadership Training

Reply to  MolecCodicies
2 years ago

From Schwab:

Putin is one of them, the war just a circus, diversion, watch the “small print” in the news.

2 years ago

We can speculate forever about what Putin is, whether he is a “globalist” or not. But the best take I heard on this is UK Column who dealt with this
thus , about 27 minutes into this video:
I’m certain that of the following: primarily that the mainstream media is totally unreliable . We should try to look at what’s going on on the ground in Ukraine, as UK Column says, and be sceptical about everything. Which I am, however I firmly believe the only certainty is the relentless drive towards the construction of the global biosecurity state enslaving us all.

Reply to  mcc
2 years ago

There is nothing to speculate. Putin is a globalist and not only because Schwab himself told that Putin was a Young Global Leader, too but his acts certify it.
His vax had the same sh…t in it graphene and nanotech, he also went with the covid lie, now that that narrative is pretty over, too many woke up, they need something else to divert attention, hence we have a smaller war to fill the pages.

2 years ago

[…] Patricia Harrity: […]

2 years ago

I read that he is destroying biolabs funded by the U.S. in Ukraine and the military installations. There was a rumour that the biolabs were going to release something bad.

Reply to  Peggy
2 years ago

They don’t need bio-labs to do that. Just look up to the sky (chem trails), the vax (graphene and nanotech to hook you to 5G jail or kill you), 5G alone can mimic a pandemic (radiation effect lied to be small pox or marburg).
Any bio lab news must be only diversion.

2 years ago

USSA and its gimp sidekick the occupied EUSSR are all washed up. The free lunch and judaic wars of terror and expansion on everyone else’s dime are all but at an end. Now we wait for the IOU fiat filth Saudi Mercan toilet paper dollah and its gimp bastard €urodollah to blow the Ponzi shitter sky high down in the chosenite Wall St sewer.

The petrodollar was always about Saudi oil and snaggle-toothed Pentacon grunts and their Washing town protection racket…now the wealth is in Russia’s hands and as they have the power to defend their wealth and they won’t ever need no stinking petro …duh…dollahs after this Ukrop caper is over.

Good buy Urupp and hello to the long overdue civil war reloaded in Slumville proper, the meth haggled hoe mamma of all Slumville’s wars.

Abbi Shylock
Abbi Shylock
2 years ago

The One World Government concept is Talmudic so it was formulated 1,500 years ago. Early examples are Oliver Cromwell’s revolution and Grand Orient Freemasonry’s French Revolution. Thankfully, the 1848 World Republic revolutions were quashed but later succeeded in Russia forming the USSR.

Fascim of Mussolini is State over people but NSDAP Socialist was State for the people. Today, we have Pharmalogical Fascism.

The idea is to turn mankind into slaves (sold as Equality) and to control their gold and property. Our governments work for Central Banks by taxing us to service, never repay, a debt orinted from thin air. They also decide the value of our lifes work by orinting less or more additional currency. Thank Cromwell for replacing governments with Central Bankers which occurred 50 years after his death in 1694AD.

Clive MacDonald
Clive MacDonald
2 years ago

Can’t believe you’re using Google as a default search engine.

2 years ago

[…] The NWO, A German Philosopher & Putin’s Russia. […]