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Do the conspirators now want World War III?

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I am increasingly concerned that what is happening in Ukraine is being used as an excuse to build up enthusiasm for World War III. The conspirators are working hard to push the collaborating public (brains softened by too many months of mask wearing and too many toxic injections) into demanding a war against Russia.

In the same way that Germany’s invasion of Poland led to World War II, so it is looking more and more possible that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could be used as an excuse for the conspirators to start World War III.

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By Dr Vernon Coleman

There is no longer any doubt that NATO deliberately pushed Russia into invading Ukraine. Nor is there any doubt that this is not, by far, the most egregious military activity occurring at the moment. The wars in Yemen and Syria have killed far more people but have aroused little or no interest among Western politicians or journalists.

I don’t think anyone who has studied the evidence would disagree with the conclusion that Russia was inspired to invade Ukraine in order to help further the plans of those behind the Great Reset.

The food, fuel and fertiliser shortages which are a direct result of the orchestrated invasion will wreck the global economy and force up inflation, prices and interest rates.

In the West, particularly Europe, there will be much hardship. Millions will lose their jobs and millions will lose their homes.

But the real cost will be felt in Africa and Asia where hundreds of millions will die of starvation in the coming months. It would be naïve to think that this was anything other than deliberate genocide. I have previously suggested, quite seriously, that Biden, Johnson and others responsible for the deadly sanctions should be treated as war criminals.

A few weeks ago I thought it somewhere between unlikely and impossible for the fighting in Ukraine to spread into the rest of Europe and lead us into World War III. I thought that even the most aggressive, war-loving collaborators would baulk as food and fuel prices rose.

But the media has done its job well. Letter columns are full of demands for more action, more bullets, more war. Political leaders talk of deposing Putin and arresting him. People who said nothing during the war between Russia and Ukraine in 2014 are now suddenly filled with horror. People who ignored Putin when he gassed a theatre full of people are suddenly appalled – because they have been told to be appalled. People who ignored Putin when he allowed sailors to die in a nuclear submarine are suddenly shocked – because they have been told to be shocked.

The people who have been brainwashed into demanding a greater war have been manipulated and do not realise that they are being used. They are the same people who fell for the recycling myth even though, in the past, the media has repeatedly reported that Britain’s recycling rubbish is sent overseas to be burnt or dumped. They’re the people who fell for the global warming myth. They’re the people who accepted the toxic, experimental jabs with unfettered enthusiasm. These people have been moulded and trained and turned into gullible compliant servants of the Great Reset conspiracy.

Now, I think the risk of World War III developing is increasing rapidly and will soon be somewhere between likely and inevitable.

Look at what is happening.

The British Government has reportedly sent arms and troops (described, inevitably, as advisors) into Ukraine, thereby involving Britain in the conflict.

The public is being encouraged to support Ukraine. Under the guidance of the conspirators, the media is constantly reporting on atrocities (which may or may not have happened) and encouraging the public to call for more Western involvement.

Individual Russian citizens (who may not have committed any crimes, let alone been involved in the invasion of Ukraine) are being hounded and punished. Sportsmen and musicians who happen to be Russian are being denied the opportunity to ply their trades simply because they carry Russian passports. Businessmen are seeing their property taken from them – simply because of their citizenship.

And members of the public are being constantly encouraged to support Ukraine. The Ukraine flag is flying from public buildings and private flagpoles all over Britain. I haven’t seen any sign of support for the oppressed people of Syria or the oppressed people of Yemen but the people of Ukraine are being treated as very special.

And there is no doubt that the war is being used by Johnson and the Conservative Party to help distract from the fact that the Prime Minister, Johnson, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sunak, lied to the British people and to Parliament about their behaviour during the lockdowns. In a way, their behaviour was explicable, of course. They knew that there was no pandemic and that the lockdowns were entirely unnecessary. But that doesn’t alter the fact that they, and a vast variety of public servants, simply ignored the laws they had created.

(It is worth remembering that lying to Parliament used to be considered an unforgiveable crime. It was for lying to Parliament – and nothing else – that John Profumo was exiled from public life.)

Johnson and Sunak are now both proven to be criminals, liars and hypocrites. Neither is fit to hold any public office. But neither has the decency to resign. These are bad people, surviving in a cess pool.

Johnson, in particular, seems to me to be using the war to distract from his blatant criminality.

Arguing that this is not a time to change leaders is blatant nonsense. The French are currently holding elections. Britain changed leaders at the very outset of World War II.

Is there anyone who doesn’t believe that Johnson would welcome the chance to push us further into the conflict – whatever the cost – to save himself?

The conspirators who have controlled the world for the last two years, and whose publicly avowed aims include genocide, digital enslavement and a world government appear now to be pushing the public into demanding that Britain, America and other countries become directly involved in the conflict in Ukraine.

And what then?

Will China become involved in support of Russia? Will China use the war as an excuse to take Taiwan? What will happen in the Middle East? These are bad times, orchestrated and conducted by evil conspirators.

The only certainty is that the conspirators are in control. And the innocent stooges who wear, wave or fly their little flags in support of Ukraine are playing into their hands.

The conspirators created this conflict. And it is becoming increasingly clear that they aren’t finished with it.

Two months ago, World War III was nigh on impossible.

Today, you’d have to be very naïve not to realise that World War III is part of their plan. And if World War III starts then there will be no rules.

Vernon Coleman’s book Endgame (which describes the background to what has been happening for the last two years, explains what is happening now and warns about what will happen over the coming years) is available as a hardback, a paperback and an eBook.

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Last edited 2 years ago by Sara
Reply to  Sara
2 years ago

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Last edited 2 years ago by diseb
Reply to  Sara
2 years ago

Never thought i’d say this to you Doc Vernon but can’t blame anyone for losing the plot, during this pervasive evil. It isn’t beyond me to understand how you can blame Putin for a beyond justifiable/necessary action, just sad you fell for the rubbish.

Will still always love and respect you for stuff you talk sense about.

Reply to  Demeter
2 years ago

coleman is a paid shill. always has been.

2 years ago

[…] 15.   Do the conspirators now want World War III? […]

Ashley Conway
Ashley Conway

Google pay 97$ per hour my last pay check was $8500 working 1o hours a week online. My younger brother friend has been averaging 12k for months now and he works about 22 hours a week. I cant believe how easy it was once I tried it outit..


Last edited 2 years ago by Ashley Conway
2 years ago

[…] Do the conspirators now want World War III? — The Expose […]


I make more then $12,000 a month online. It’s enough to comfortably replace my old jobs income, especially considering I only work about 11 to 12 hours a week from home. I was amazed how easy it was after I tried it… 🙂 AND GOOD LUCK.:)


Last edited 2 years ago by Elizabeth
2 years ago

Great article, comparing Russian ‚operation’ to Germany vs Poland in 39 is way off though. I don’t think Putin’s objective is to eliminate races of people and dominate the world with fascist ideology.

Reply to  mezkal
2 years ago

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that is what I do…..

Last edited 2 years ago by Brooklyn
Reply to  mezkal
2 years ago

Google pay 97$ per hour my last pay check was $8500 working 1o hours a week online. My younger brother friend has been averaging 12k for months now and he works about 22 hours a week. I cant believe how easy it was once I tried it out it.. 🙂 AND GOOD LUCK.:)..

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Last edited 2 years ago by Gibber65

This year now its very very easy to earn more income online. start using this job and earn more than $15000 every month very easily. now its time for you to change your life. check this website for info.



Last edited 2 years ago by Saifer65
2 years ago

[…] April 22, 2022Do the conspirators now want World War III? […]

2 years ago

It looks like the jab has not killed as many of the population quickly enough. As a back-up plan, World War III, may well cull many of the world’s population. The food shortages that will inevitably follow will also help the death toll rise to a more satisfactory level for those that are behind ‘The Great Reset’.

Reply to  biggrump
2 years ago

that is certainly what it looks like

Reply to  biggrump
2 years ago

Anything that reduces the number of humans is a good thing.

Reply to  elsie
2 years ago

It is beyond obvious that Earth’s human population, at 7+ billion, and increasing at an alarming rate is beyond what the Earth can comfortably support. Starvation of a large portion of the human population has been the norm for centuries now. How could anyone think that should continue? The MSM has mostly been ignoring it all along. And all the human overpopulation has caused extinction of an enormous portion of nonhuman species. Insects, vitally important for food and other reasons, are almost 80% to 90% gone. Humans have spread all over the planet destroying wilderness and the soils which support life.

2 years ago

It won’t stop the vomit filled immigrants invading will it? All immigrants should be killed.

Reply to  elsie
2 years ago

Agreed. Every immigrant = one more native being thrown out into the street to die. At least 30,000 people die on the street in the uk every year. How many would have had a place to live if 30,000 less immigrants had invaded?

2 years ago

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Last edited 2 years ago by Kelly
2 years ago

Greetings Globalists, WEF, UN, US, UK, EU, NATO.
Just a reminder for you of all the horrors of the twentieth century, that you are now unconsciously revisiting!
Marxist dystopias that have always ended in crimes against humanity, genocide and truly unspeakable war crimes.
Just remember, the collective is a very dangerous word.
In the name of the collective the individual, the real, has always been sacrificed.
Nations have been sacrificing individuals in the name of the nation, and ‘nation’ is just a word, an idea.
Now we are sacrificing billions of people to a redundant Globalist/Marxist ideology.
We have been hypnotized from birth into believing that continuous brutal wars are needed for the survival of our freedom and democracy, and that these imperialistic narratives of violence, killing and genocide are somehow acceptable.
Yet truthful journalists are not?
The international scales of justice have been completely destroyed by successive US presidents and all party politicians globally.
Bush, the Obamas, the Clintons, Biden, Blair, Johnson, Cameron, the list is endless.
None of these war criminals have ever been prosecuted!
On the scales of justice, what is the weight of Julian Assange’s revelations and proof against the US for all of their war crimes, compared to the reality of all these exceptional psychopaths unforgivable war crimes.
Do we now accept the full subversion and destruction of the ‘International Rule of Law’?
Whatever is programmed into our minds, through collective culture, education, and MSM propaganda, subconsciously begins to take shape and control what we imagine and think, teleologically appearing as our own ideas.
These ideas become so authentically real we cannot believe them to be anything but our own thoughts, we could never conceive that we have been programmed by their narratives to limit our intelligence, so that we never really see the true nature of our politicians criminality, or ever really dare question the status quo.
The idea of the collective unconscious means that there is a point in your mind where you are connected with all the minds around you.
This mind is collective, it is not just your own.
And the collective unconscious mind is like a continent.
Everybody else is involved in it, not only the present people, but centuries that have passed and the people who have lived, all have left impressions on the collective unconscious.
This idea of the collective mind has to be destroyed completely, otherwise in some way or other we will continue sacrificing the individual.
This inhibited, suppressed and collective mind is the basis of all insanity, all tensions, all conflicts, all disharmony in the world.
But for centuries this has been going on.
Politicians have used it, religious leaders have used it, perhaps not knowing what they are doing, how it is happening.
They may not have any understanding of the collective mind, but that’s what has been happening, and this understanding has to be made known to everybody worldwide.
We have been brought up and programmed by all the traditions in a schizophrenic way.
It was helpful to divide humanity in every possible dimension, and create a conflict between the divisions.
This way the individual becomes weak, shaky, fearful, ready to submit, surrender; ready to be enslaved by the globalists, by the politicians, the priests, by anybody.
They have made the whole of humanity schizophrenic.
A schizophrenic person, a person with a split, fragmented mind cannot be one.
The whole imposed Marxist globalist vision is unhinged and schizophrenic.
Yet the mentally ill WEF minions labor on obediently… Macron, Trudeau, Biden, Johnson, Ardern, Morrison and all the EU crazies!
Remember, Democratic socialism is a contradiction in terms, it is a combination of two words that contradict each other.
Democracy and socialism, as socialism is currently known cannot go together, because the one cancels the other.
Because democracy gets destroyed in the very process of bringing socialism, this so-called socialism cannot be brought in without murdering democracy.
It is necessary to understand why democracy will have to go for socialism to come.
The first principle, the foundational principle of democracy is that it gives every individual person the freedom to live, to work, to earn, to produce and to own, use property and amass wealth from ones own production.
It is one of the basic rights.
The next fundamental principle of democracy ordains that there should be no injustice to anyone.
Another basic principle of democracy says that the majority cannot subject the minority to any injustices.
Democracy means that even if there is a minority of one, the majority cannot subject it to injustices, and deprive it of any of its basic rights.
If the majority, whom the so-called socialism claims to speak and work for, uses democracy to destroy this minority, then it knocks out the very foundation of democracy.
And minorities change with time, today one group is in the minority, tomorrow another may take its place.
Now socialists say that wealth should be distributed, someone should not have more and others less, because wealth creates jealousy and bitterness.
But it is necessary to ask if it is justice that those who did not do a thing to produce wealth, who took no part whatsoever in its creation, who were just spectators, should now, when wealth is created, come forward and demand its distribution.
A handful of people have created wealth, but after it has been created, all those who have had no hand in its creation are claimants for a share in its ownership.
But this is not what democracy means.
Democracy means that the producers own their produce.
And if anyone distributes it, shares it with others, it is their pleasure.
Wealth is a creation of intelligence and talent.
Today socialists envy that intelligence, and say that wealth should be distributed equally.
In the same way, tomorrow we will say that we cannot tolerate that some people have beautiful partners while others have ugly ones.
We will say that this is inequality, it cannot be tolerated; everyone should have equal rights to beautiful partners.
We will not be wrong if we say that, because by the same logic, there is no difference at all.
And then the day after we will say that it is intolerable that a handful of people are intelligent while others are stupid.
That this too is inequality, we demand equal distribution of intelligence and talent.
It is the same logic that demands equal distribution of wealth.
But this whole approach is anti-democratic.
In fact, every person is different and unique.
Every person is born with distinct and different potentialities, and they will seek and develop their own potentialities, and they will create what they are born to create.
And as such they will own their creation.
And if they share it with others, they do so for their own joy.
We have no right to claim it, it would be grossly unjust.
Socialism, however, approves of many such injustices, because it is easy to win the majority in support of injustices.
But injustice will not become justice and a lie will not become truth just because the majority supports them.
Freedom to own private property is one of the fundamental human rights, and democracy accepts this right of the individual.
So when somebody says that socialism with democracy is possible, it is an outright lie.
Socialism violates the basic principle of democracy.
Democracy and socialism cannot go together.
The second thing is that socialism only talks of the great values, which make for the basis of its philosophy, but it cannot achieve them.
So it will be worthwhile if we go into some of these values at length.
Freedom is perhaps the greatest value in an individuals life.
There is no greater value than this, because freedom is foundational to the whole development of humanity.
That is why bondage or slavery is the worst state of human existence and freedom is its best and most beautiful.
Socialism cannot be established without fighting and finishing freedom.
It is, of course, possible that the majority may consent to destroy the freedom of the minority.
But still it is unfair and unjust.
Destruction of freedom can never be democratic.
Freedom of thought is the very life of democracy, it is its very soul.
But socialism cannot stand freedom of thought, because freedom of thought includes the freedom to support capitalism.
It is difficult for socialism to swallow that.
Socialism wants to destroy capitalism totally, and therefore it has to destroy freedom of thought.
And it is unthinkable how, after destroying the right of the individual to hold property and his freedom of thought, socialism can be considered democratic!
Let it be clearly understood that democracy is a value that goes with capitalism, and not with socialism.
And if democracy has to live, it can only live with capitalism, it cannot live with socialism.
Democracy is an inalienable part of the capitalist way of life, and as such it can only go with capitalism.
Similarly there are other values, we are not even aware of, which can be destroyed easily.
And they are already being destroyed.
The individual has the ultimate value.
But in the eyes of socialism it is not the individual but the collective, the crowd, that has value.
And socialism accepts that the individual can be sacrificed for the collective, the society.
The individual, in fact, has always been sacrificed in the name of great principles, and for the sake of big and high-sounding names.
They have been sacrificed sometimes for the sake of the nation and sometimes for the sake of religion.
But humanity refuses to learn from history.
When old altars disappear, they create new ones, and continues sacrificing the individual.
Democratic socialism is such a new altar.
If humanity has to learn anything from his history, the one lesson that is worth learning is this.
The individual cannot be sacrificed for anything.
Even the greatest of nations does not have the right to ask for the sacrifice of a single individual.
Even the greatest of humanity does not have the right to sacrifice the individual for its sake, because the individual is a living consciousness, and it is dangerous to sacrifice this living consciousness at the altar of a system or an organization, however great it be, because the system is a lifeless arrangement, a dead entity, and it is not proper to sacrifice a living person for the sake of a dead system.
But we have gotten into the habit of killing the individual, and even now we are seeking new avenues, new altars at which the individual can be sacrificed.
The new altar is democratic socialism.
But socialism is not democratic.
The socialism that is sought to be forced on us can never be democratic.
In only one way can socialism come without sacrificing freedom, and that is when it comes effortlessly, naturally and by itself.
In a very wealthy country with a small population.
Otherwise it is not possible for socialism to be democratic.
Sooner or later labor will increasingly become a non-essential factor in the production of goods.
Labor has a hand in the creation of wealth, but it has not been the central factor, the basic factor of production.
It does not play a pivotal role.
The basic factor, the pivotal factor is intelligence and talent.
It is an individuals intelligence that has discovered new dimensions of creating wealth.
As it is today, the capitalist system is far from adequate.
The system as it is needs to be tremendously improved and developed.
But the hysterical socialist war cry is coming very much in the way of its growth, and will not allow any growth if it has its way.
Soon millions of people will be out of work due to A.I. and robotic automation.
What will happen with the huge wealth that the automatic machines will produce?
The pattern of taxation will have to be radically altered.
Corporations using A.I. and robotic automation who produce more should pay higher tax rates than individuals producing on a much smaller scale.
Which could bring in zero taxation on all human labor at some point.
Then alone, wealth, abundant wealth, can be created.
Although it is very interesting to note that a great majority of humanity is wholly un-creative.
This majority is content with just eating, working and being immersed online by controlled and addictive social media platforms.
Only a very small fraction of humanity has engaged itself in creativity and produced great results.
Take any field, be it poetry or great painting, production of wealth, science or spirituality, only a handful of men and women have attained to peaks of creativity.
Capitalism is an instrument for converting labor into wealth and if capitalism is allowed to grow unimpeded it can find ways to convert labor into wealth but the socialists want to hand over everything, the means of production and labor, to the state.
The irony is that the politicians are, and have always been, the most inefficient and worthless class of people in the world.
There is a reason for this.
It is that merit is valued in every walk of human life except in politics.
In politics alone merit has no value at all.
A person who has no qualifications whatsoever, enters politics.
Politics does not ask for any particular qualifications or specialized knowledge on the part of those who want to enter its arena.
It is a strange profession, which calls for nothing except that you can shout propaganda and slogans and get some followers behind you.
Politics, which is the haven of criminals, psychopaths and narcissists, says that trade, commerce, industries, including all means of production, should be put in the hands of the state, which is another name for the politician.
So the politicians will manage and control the economic life of the country.
My vision is different.
It is that the politician and all political parties can be prevented from ruining the human societies of the world if they are all completely and permanently removed and prevented from directly controlling the government and the administration of the state.
What we have at the moment is mobocracy, it is certainly not democracy.
It is all right for the people to choose their representatives(not politicians) who have merit for parliament, and it should be their clearly defined task to find only the best people of merit to administer the various divisions and functions of the government.
They have to see to it that the selected ministers are intelligent and fully qualified for their different jobs.
Then we will have meritocracy in the place of the mobocracy that we have now.
Unless democracy merges into meritocracy, countries will remain in the hands of ignorant, stupid politicians.
And until democracy is allied with meritocracy, democracy will continue to be the instrument of the downfall of humanity and its degradation, it can never be the instrument of its upliftment and glory, the state, which is in the hands of the most incompetent, and unskilled people, will continue to ruin all the countries of the world.
Politicians want to monopolize everything and they want all power for themselves.
Besides political power, they want to monopolize economic power too.
They want trade and industries and everything in their hands.
Even science and religion are not spared, they want everything under the sun.
But if we allow this to happen, danger is guaranteed.
That is why I place this idea of meritocracy before you.
Meritocracy is not opposed to democracy, meritocracy is a concept of working through democracy.
And sooner or later, with the growth of understanding, intelligence, merit is going to be significant in the whole world.
Then everything will be in the hands of the qualified, those rare and intelligent individuals of true merit.

2 years ago

My family saw the start of this in 2014. The US organised and financed coup d’état on the Maiden with Victoria Nuland handing out her cookies and miners and unemployed bused in and paid 20 us dollars a day to protest, to the shooting first of the police which had no effect, moved on to the shooting of the protesters to achieve a result. Following the imposition of the puppet government all Russian speaking peoples, around 8m in Donbass had rights removed, no Russian language, no representation. The US backed financed Nazi batallions sent to the East to subjugate the ethnic Ukrainians who spoke Russian. The shelling od Donetsk and Lugansk, the killings of 25k, 200 children and 2k orphans. The world said nothing. This was never reported in the worlds press. Blocked. Who? Why? The US/Nato used the cultural divide in the Donbass to attempt to start a conflict with Russia, this was always the plan, the plan did not include the militias of Donetsk and Lugansk forming and not only being able to hold off the Ukrainian army but soundly thrashing them in two major battles of Saur Mogila and Debaltsevo with the taking of many prisoners, tanks, arms etc. But the aim was always to bring Russia into conflict seeing a Russian speaking neighbour being basically massacred on the doorstep. Russia was pleased that the Donbass held its own, pleased that there was this buffer between it and Ukraine. The Ukrainian army continued to shell nightly. Biden had the nickname “the angel of death”. Every time when he would visit as VP, the shelling of Donetsk would increase and more Civilians would die in the marketplaces, at the bus stops, in schools etc. Then trump became president and the shelling stopped mostly. In his years you could count the deaths on one hand almost. Then Biden becomes president and within weeks the killings start once again. The end game was never Donbass, the end game was Russia. There was a US think tank paper from 2014/15 that decided that Russia was too wealthy on resources. Basically the idea was to topple Putin, divide Russia into three “states”, with an appointed governor for each state, opening it up for extraction/theft of these resources. Sounded far fetched then; not so much now. Lastly, the people of the Donbass prayed every night in 2014 for Russia to come to their aid when they were being slaughtered, but Russia never did. Like I said the endgame was never Ukraine, the endgame was always Russia….

Reply to  Voron
2 years ago

What, yet another “endgame”? How many is that now? It’s always just about to happen isn’t it? Somehow it never does though.

2 years ago

[…] Ik maak mij steeds meer zorgen dat wat er in Oekraïne gebeurt, gebruikt wordt als een excuus om enthousiasme op te bouwen voor de Derde Wereldoorlog. De samenzweerders zijn hard bezig om het collaborerende publiek (hersenen die door te veel maanden maskerdragen en te veel gifinjecties zacht zijn geworden) ertoe aan te zetten een oorlog tegen Rusland te eisen, schrijft Dr. Vernon Coleman. […]

Mr Tony w Marriott
Mr Tony w Marriott
2 years ago

Well they were never going to kill 7 billion people with the covid 19 were they, said from the start that they would have to come up with much more than that, and in all probability its has to be WW3 the only real way to get rid of the numbers they want gone, and there following old pikes doctrine who they idolised like a god, and he said it will take 3 great wars.

2 years ago

[…] April 22, 2022Do the conspirators now want World War III? […]

2 years ago

He’s so deluded if he thinks Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could be compared to Germany’s invasion of Poland – he’s just a dangerous old crank-by-association and they all need to lose their voices..

  • PACKED WITH HIPPIES AND ‘SOCIAL WORKER’ MENTALITY: dropping off leaflets, writing to MP’s, communes in the far East….. Just say No WILL NO LONGER DO!!!


2 years ago

[…] Ik maak mij steeds meer zorgen dat wat er in Oekraïne gebeurt, gebruikt wordt als een excuus om enthousiasme op te bouwen voor de Derde Wereldoorlog. De samenzweerders zijn hard bezig om het collaborerende publiek (hersenen die door te veel maanden maskerdragen en te veel gifinjecties zacht zijn geworden) ertoe aan te zetten een oorlog tegen Rusland te eisen, schrijft Dr. Vernon Coleman. […]

2 years ago

[…] (Article republished from […]

2 years ago

[…] (Article republished from […]

2 years ago

[…] (Artículo republicado de ) […]

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
1 year ago

A Swedish news source reports that the RAND Corporation plotted the war in Ukraine in order to destroy Russia, Germany and all of Europe.

“Shocking document: How the US planned the war and energy crisis in Europe”