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Pre-WWII Germany: Laws Introduced for the Protection of The People

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We are witnessing history being repeated.

Between September 1935 and the outbreak of World War II in September 1939 more than 120 laws, decrees and regulations, imposing over 400 legal restrictions, were enacted by the Third Reich on the justification of protecting the health of the German people.  

During the first six years of Hitler’s dictatorship, from 1933 until the outbreak of war in 1939, Jews felt the effects of more than 400 decrees and regulations that restricted all aspects of their public and private lives. Many of these were national laws but state, regional, and municipal officials, acting on their own initiatives, also issued many exclusionary decrees in their own communities. Thus, hundreds of individuals in all levels of government throughout the country were involved in the persecution of Jews. No corner of Germany was left untouched.

Below is a copy of a twitter thread shared by Architects for Social Housing highlighting some of the laws that came into being in Germany prior to the outbreak of the Second World War.

On 28 February, 1933, the Decree for the Protection of People and State suspended most of the human rights of German citizens, including of public assembly and association, privacy of post, freedom of expression and press, and habeas corpus.

On 23 March, 1933, the Law to Remedy the Distress of People and State, gave the German Cabinet powers to pass laws by decree, without parliamentary approval, and to override fundamental aspects of the Constitution. Given a 4-year lifespan, the Act was extended in 1937 and 1941.

On 7 April, 1933, the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service dismissed political opponents of the Third Reich (communists, social democrats), Jews and designated ‘non-Aryans’ from their positions, including teachers, professors, judges and other civil servants.

On 11 April, 1933, the First Ordinance on the Implementation of the Civil Service law extended the terms of this ban on political opponents and non-Aryans to doctors, lawyers, notaries, tax consultants and musicians, all of whom were dismissed from their positions.

On 3 July, 1934, the Law on the Unification of Health Care took what had been under the jurisprudence of individual German states into centralised federal legislation and administration, under which doctors administered treatment according to the principles of National Socialism.

On 19 August, 1934, in a national referendum, 90% of the German electorate approved the merger of the offices of Chancellor and President, making Adolf Hitler both head of government and head of state. This merged office was designated as the ‘Führer’, whose word now became law.

On 15 September, 1935, the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour banned Jews and other non-Aryans from marital and sexual relations with ‘citizens of German or related blood’.

On 15 September 1935, the Reich Citizenship Law deprived German Jews of their citizenship and civil rights, and instead made them ‘subjects of the state’, which it defined as ‘a person who enjoys the protection of the state and in consequence has specific obligations towards it.’

On 18 October, 1935, the Law for the Protection of the Hereditary Health of the German People required all prospective marriage partners to obtain from the public health authorities a certificate of fitness to marry. These were refused to anyone with a contagious disease.

On 14 November, 1935, the first supplemental decree to the Nuremberg Laws defined ‘Jews’ not as members of a religious or cultural community but as a race defined by hereditary. This is retained today by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance and the State of Israel.

On 11 July, 1938, the Ministry of the Interior banned Jews from attending health spas in order to remove the risk of infection with a people defined by National Socialist medicine as vectors of disease both physical and moral.

On 23 July, 1938, Jews were ordered to apply for Identification Cards to be shown to police or officials on demand. These were marked with a red letter ‘J’. On 17 August, Jews without Government-approved forenames were ordered to add the name ‘Israel’ or ‘Sara’ to their own.

On 3 October, 1938, the Decree on the Confiscation of Jewish Property regulated the transfer of assets from Jews to non-Jews, forcing the former into penury and homelessness.

On 12 September, 1938, Jews were banned from attending cinemas, concerts and the opera. Like the ban on health spars and sexual relations, this was a biosecurity ‘measure’ that reduced the former citizenship of German Jews to the bare life of ‘subjects of the state’.

On 12 November, 1938, the Decree on the Exclusion of Jews from German Economic Life banned Jews from owning businesses, selling goods or services or having a trade, forcing them into bankruptcy, unemployment and immiseration.

On 15 November, 1938, the Ministry of Education banned Jewish children from attending public schools. This biosecurity ‘measure’ was justified as a means to protect Aryan children from the risk of infection not only by the bodies but also by the beliefs of Jewish children.

On 28 November, 1938, the Ministry of the Interior restricted freedom of movement and travel for Jews, who were only permitted to leave the Third Reich with 8% of the monetary value in Reichsmarks of their savings and possessions.

On 1 September, 1941, Police Regulations prohibited Jews who had reached the age of 6 from ‘showing themselves in public without a Jewish star.’ It was additionally forbidden for Jews ‘to leave the area of their community without having a written permit from the local police’.

On 24 April, 1942, Jews throughout the Third Reich were prohibited from using public transport.

Between the Nuremberg Laws in September 1935 and the outbreak of World War Two in September 1939, more than 120 laws, decrees and regulations, imposing over 400 legal restrictions, were enacted by the Third Reich on the justification of protecting the health of the German People.

These constituted an epidemiological discourse no less legitimate under law for being entirely manufactured by National Socialist doctors and scientists: of protection from disease and remedy when infected, and of identifying the infected and isolating the diseased.

The ‘Holocaust’ to which the Third Reich is reduced by those who want to erase its history was preceded by 8 years of laws that so completely deprived Jews of their rights that, by the time it was implemented in 1941, no act committed against them could be considered a crime.

Those who denounce comparisons between the attack on human rights in today’s Europe and Nazi Germany are not only hiding behind the fact the biosecurity state is not yet as bad as the Third Reich; but are also closing their eyes to how totalitarian states are constructed in law.

Source:  Twitter thread by Architects for Social Housing, 15 December 2021

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2 years ago

The parallels are horrific. Thank you for setting them out so clearly.

Reply to  Sarah
2 years ago

EUROPA – The Last War: Chapter 1,2,3 ( total 10 )
Haven’t you ever wondered at least what the “other side of the WWII story” is?

Since the middle of the 20th century, the world has heard only one side of the most terrible war in human history. In the 75 years that have passed, only one account of the great conflict has been heard. This simplistic narrative completely ignores decades of previous critical history going back to WWII, ignoring vital information from the real war years, and fabricating lie after lie.

Reply to  denek55
2 years ago

who started the war?

Reply to  denek55
2 years ago

Yes! And I have just finished watching ‘The Greatest Story Never Told’ which has some overlaps with ‘Europa – The Last Battle’.
We have been told a pack of lies about Hitler and the war.

Ulrich Enevoldsen
Ulrich Enevoldsen
Reply to  Sarah
2 years ago

Watch the neo Nazi’s twist it all arond

Lionel Azulay
Lionel Azulay
2 years ago

Yes, Sarah. This must be stopped and those responsible be held to account! It’s crazy in this day and age that we should even be thinking in these terms…

Phillis Steain
Phillis Steain
Reply to  Lionel Azulay
2 years ago

That is what happens when we “forget” what has gone before, although it’s hard to learn history when you know that it is and has always been written by the victors. Let’s make sure we never forget THIS TIME!

Ricardo Inglaterra
Ricardo Inglaterra
2 years ago

The highly educated and sophisticated German population went along with these incremental laws that ultimately led to the holocaust because they were hypnotized by Hitler into a mass formation psychosis or group think. Exactly the same techniques are being employed now by behavioral psychologists and ‘nudge units’ using manufactured fear of a relatively mild virus with a 0.24% mortality rate to implement the totalitarian WEF/Davos ‘Great Reset’ agenda The success they have had so far in terms of the number of people succumbing to the absurd flimsy narrative, is truly shocking and frightening. But nothing is forever and as 2022 dawns, there are reasons to be hopeful the globalist house of cards is collapsing and the pendulum beginning to swing towards a ‘Great Awakening’ as more and more people realize they’ve been scammed.

Mary Smith
Mary Smith
Reply to  Ricardo Inglaterra
2 years ago

Oh please. Another indoctrinated one with history written by the victors. The sam people who run MSM and the Pharma Inc.

“We fought the wrong enemy” – General Patton

Mary Smith
Mary Smith
Reply to  Ricardo Inglaterra
2 years ago

By the way the National Socialist Germans were AGAINST mass vaccination which was pushed by 100% by Jews in Weimar Germany, just like only Jews are behind the four Covid vaccines now and own Big Pharma, MSM, Blackrock, Wall Street, City of London, Federal Reserve etc etc . I could go on and on and on here.

Lionel Azulay
Lionel Azulay
Reply to  Ricardo Inglaterra
2 years ago

I sincerely hope you are right. Thank you.

Lords Witnesses
Lords Witnesses
2 years ago

This post could not be more relevant. The test that the German people failed is now upon us. Anyone who works for an outfit that discriminates against anti vaxxers is a modern day Nazi collaborator. And anyone who discriminates against anti vaxxers is a half wit because even the corrupted UKHSA and ONS data show that the fully vaxxed are way more likely to be infected with Omicron than the unvaxxed. And it is not as if we do not know where all this is leading. Every vaccination is another brick in the concentration camp wall..The difference between WW2 and the coming WW3 is that our salvation is dependent upon our refusal to collaborate because we do know better this time. The good news is that WW3 is the last war mankind ever fights. The bad news is that WW3 has to be sufficiently horrific for mankind to realise that weapons technology has now made any war into an act of multi national suicide. The zero credibility news is that the very same demons who were behind WW2 and the persecution of God’s old people are now behind WW3 and the persecution of God’s new people. The ones who refuse to collaborate, the ones who refuse the Mark of the beast (vaccine passports and beastmarks, the new social credit score linked digital smart currency).

2 years ago

⁣Under Two Flags by Heinz Weichardt.
I like to emphasize the military participation of the Jewish part of my family because this was by no ways an exception but the norm, especially among the more well-to-do Jewishfamilies which strived to be Germans first .
Let’s go back to Nazi terrorism. There were, as everybody knows, concentration camps. Who were theinmates? Mostly vagrants, bums and, yes, some obnoxious politicians of the leftist variety (come tothink of it, not a bad idea at all) who had previously caused the ire of the new rulers. Strangelyenough–hardly any Jews,
Berlin with my father, as a journalist in constant touch with the authorities (he had,
e.g., to attend, together with other journalists, confidential monthly meetings with Propaganda Minister Goebbels to obtain political directives and listen to pep talks) and aware of all nasty anti-government rumors, I had neither a single personal contact with anybody who had suffered physical harm from the authorities of the Third Reich, nor did I hear from anybody among my rather extended acquaintances that they knew of somebody who had.

2 years ago

What is going on is just crazy! I’m scared, people have great power if unites, but too many don’t want to know, can’t accept that something very wrong is going on: censure, fake data, fake information, diffamation of scientists, only the agenda to vaccinate the entire population but any treatment for the initial 4 days of covid despite cures available… Sars are all the result of gain of functio, since 2000—

Phillis Steain
Phillis Steain
Reply to  Naykia68
2 years ago

Fear and compliance (as well as the MSM) are our biggest enemies right now. Don’t be afraid and don’t comply, and you probably won’t even get sick. ALL govt “containment” measures for this “scamdemic” are not based in science. Additionally, every single “solution” ACTUALLY knocks down your innate immune system, which – pssst – is the superior part of one’s immune system. Everything being done is the OPPOSITE of what is required in this situation. A couple of examples – social distancing first up – useless to stand 6ft 6 inches (or whatever your particular distance is) – “viruses” from a cough or sneeze can travel 24 feet. Masks – don’t work (except possibly N95) and the size of the holes would allow “viruses” easily through the mask. So, the masks provide almost ZERO protection, BUT they do cut your oxygen supply, increase the carbon dioxide in the blood, they do harm brain development, and they cause you to re-breathe pathogens of all descriptions and toxins – both of which partly excrete via the breath. So, do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what they tell you, get lots of sensible sun exposure when you can, ensure your vitamin D levels are optimal, eat well (and cleanly as possible), exercise and laugh a lot. THOSE measures will actually likely ensure you don’t get it in the first place. I actually don’t know one soul who has had the supposed covid-19! Pasteur, the originator of the ‘germ theory of disease” actually admitted his error before he died – he admitted that his contemporary (who was far more talented, IMO) Bechamp (acute accent on first e) was right – the pathogen is nothing, but the terrain is everything! I work on my “terrain.” The other advantage of this is that it protects you from ALL disease! Champion 🙂

A Person
A Person
Reply to  Phillis Steain
2 years ago

The speaker at a freedom rally asked, “Who here has known someone in this city with Covid? And I don’t mean they had a cold, but got bad Covid and were hospitalised with it?” Among the thousands (?) of people I saw at the rally, I didn’t see any hands raised. He then asked, “Who has known someone who’s had a severe vaccine injury from the Covid injection?” and I saw a number of hands, including my own, go up.

Reply to  A Person
2 years ago

Exactly. I still don’t know anyone who was seriously ill let alone die due to covid (or even a bad flu), in the past two years I travelled a lot, I always chatted with taxi drivers, hotel staff and shop assistant and owners, everyone I could. The same everywhere, they knew no one. In real life – not on the internet – people knew no one.
On the other hand I knew several injured because of the vax, one seriously and one who died.

2 years ago

“The decay of moral values in all areas of life—the period of deepest German degradation—coincided exactly with the height of Jewish power in Germany.” — Dr Friederich Karl

2 years ago


Reply to  Norman
2 years ago

And many of the people who died, died of Typhus which was running rampant at that time.

Reply to  Jane
2 years ago

With food shortage. When you are at war and need to feed the army, the camps will be the last to provide proper / enough food.

Reply to  Norman
2 years ago

I don’t know what is the situation in the UK in connection to questioning it, but in some other countries it is law you can’t even raise questions or you’ll be jailed. If something is true, why do you need laws to prevent even talking about it? (I saw that document many years ago, I read the story of Weimar before the war and more. Even visited Auswitch and Birkenau. Nice grilled chicken restaurant at the entrance or was 20+ years ago.)

But there is a gossip. The business is the war itself generating billions to the exact same families again and again. According to this Hitler was one of them, an illegitimate grandson. If that’s true than he and Stalin were the two sides of the same coin. They killed many but here it was nazism, there it was communism.

2 years ago

Josef Mengele – the Creation of a Myth.
Actual Footage From Nazi Camps     
AUSCHWITZ Recollections

2 years ago

“Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews’ Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet.” (Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869, Henry Ford also noted that: ‘It was a Jew who said, ‘Wars are the Jews’ harvest’; but no harvest is so rich as civil wars.’
 The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem, Vol. III, p. 180).

2 years ago

“Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews’ Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet.” (Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869
 The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem, Vol. III, p. 180).

2 years ago

“Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet.” (Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869,
 The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem, Vol. III, p. 180).

2 years ago

Armed Czech women and Jewesses continued hitting the womb of expectant mothers with truncheons until a miscarriage followed, (Document No. 6.) , the inmates were forced to lick up the bespattered brains of their fellow-prisoners who had been beaten to death. German
prisoners were forced to lick up infectious faeces from the underwear of their fellow-prisoners suffering from dysentery. (Document No. 17.)

2 years ago

The ongoing COVID-19 nonsense here in the United States exists solely and exclusively because our governments have failed to use the correct treatment. They used so-called “vaccines” when Japan has just proven, in less than ONE MONTH, that Ivermectin can wipe out the disease. IVM was awarded the Nobel prize for medicine in 2015. One of the 3 most important drugs in human history: Aspirin, Penicillin, and Ivermectin. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can!

Last edited 2 years ago by Purebloodpatriot
Reply to  Purebloodpatriot
2 years ago

Here is the explanation how it works. For a long time I have doubts, I simply didn’t understand why they used an anti-parasitic drug for a ‘viral’ infection aka. radiation poisoning. Now I understand, it’s the carrier.

A long article but easy to understand and connects the dots very well, what made it even more precious to me that the doc who wrote previously treated ‘covid’ patients at the beginning and realized that the virus legend can’t be applied to them. You CAN’T CATCH IT.

Kim Thomas
Kim Thomas
2 years ago

They’re planning to inject people with migraines monthly with Chinese hamster ovary cells. Brand name AJOVY. Pfizer! See the Daily Mail article then cross-reference with wiki.

2 years ago

Watch ‘The Greatest Story Never Told – Adolf Hitler’.
We have been told a pack of lies about him.

Phillis Steain
Phillis Steain
Reply to  Jane
2 years ago

Yes, we’ve been dealing with propaganda, as opposed to proper investigative journalism for many decades now – the mainstream media are doing it again, even though the media were supposedly many of those who were hung at Nuremberg. The MSM is doing it again. This time, the target appears to be white Christian folk. People need to understand that the perpetrators hate all religions where people seek God. Once you realize that, and who the opposers truly are, THEN much becomes clear. We are dealing with ancient stuff here – over, and over, and over again…………..UNTIL we stop it.

Reply to  Jane
2 years ago

Always the same people, same families since Napoleon.

Book reader
Book reader
2 years ago

A couple of weeks and we will flatten the curve and it will all return to normal.

Ulrich Enevoldsen
Ulrich Enevoldsen
2 years ago

First of thanks for a good article.

It does feel a little absurd tho that many of the comments here are trying to blame WWII on Jews. Or claim it was propaganda and the camps where actually not so bad and they all died from tyfus.

It seems to me this is exactly what the COVID jabs supporters will do years from now to re-enforce their beliefs in COVID and the measures taken.

It’s frankly disgusting

Ulrich Enevoldsen
Ulrich Enevoldsen
Reply to  Ulrich Enevoldsen
2 years ago

Cowards down voting my comment instead of replying to it.
Nazi scum.

Reply to  Ulrich Enevoldsen
2 years ago

I for one have neither upvoted nor downvoted your comment but I will say this. It pays to do a little bit of thinking and research instead of rehashing the ludicrous MSM and institutional academia’s lies about Hitler and the Third Reich. That way you give yourself at least a fighting chance of seeing the truth. Otherwise you’ll end up looking like the vaxxers equivalent of the history buffs who think authors like Martin Gilbert and Raul Hilberg have anything even remotely worthwhile to say and that Schindlers list is based on historical fact. Do yourself a favour and start with this one simple question:

Why is it that after 77 years there hasn’t appeared among the countless thousands of decoded WW2 German Enigma and Lorenz transmissions in the possession of US, UK and Russia archives a single reference to any homicidal gas chambers in any of the concentration camps in Germany and Poland?
Strange don’t you think? Especially so if you consider that the Allies had broken the German codes and were reading virtually every message sent within the Wehrmacht, SS and the civilian apparatus. You would have assumed there would be mountains of evidence incriminating the Germans on the extermination of 6 million Jews in gas chambers. Imagine the field day Hollywood would have if actual documents were uncovered showing proof of the holocaust. We would have no end of movies based on these incontrovertible evidence. Brad Pitt will die of exhaustion trying to play all those thousands of gas chamber victim roles. But instead we have nothing. Not one signed order, not one reference, not even one single oblique sentence implying the possible existence of a homicidal gas chamber. Puzzling that…
Remember the Germans NEVER EVEN SUSPECTED their code was broken during the war. Let that sink in for a minute. They used the Enigma and Lorenz cyphers to send military orders of the highest importance that had direct bearing on the outcome of operations and battles in the belief they were unbreakable. If the Germans saw fit to use these systems to transmit orders that would have a material impact on the actual course of the war ITSELF then why wouldn’t they have used it to transmit far less important orders or reports concerning ‘death camps’ that had nothing to do with the business of winning the war? Moral scruples I hear you say? Lol, so those dastardly nazis had enough compunction to self-censor any reference to gas chambers in their internal communications yet were barbaric enough to actually construct the camps, transport the hapless victims to them, drop in the Zyklon b pellets and kill them in their millions? Right…

The point is this: the case of the Third Reich should not even be mentioned in the same breath as the current global covid jab-induced genocide (as the above article does) because there simply never was a preplanned, systemic genocide of the European jews in gas chambers during WW2. The comparison is moot. The documents (or lack thereof) bear this out, in addition to all the other pieces of damning evidence I won’t go into detail here in the interests of time and space. The gas chamber story is simply a myth, probably the biggest lie in history.

What’s indisputable though is the global genocide being carried out right now in the name of public health and which interestingly is headed and masterminded by Jews themselves. All the big pharma CEOs are jews, together with those in charge of healthcare, disease prevention organisations, government lobby groups etc.

The irony is certainly not lost here.

2 years ago

If it carries on I might start to believe or really research on it that the earth is flat after all. Among so many lies I question everything now. It’s a horrible feeling that the knowledge gained in 50 years worthless, useless, lies and you can start everything at the beginning while getting old and tired.

Winners wrote history books, worse than that, they wrote the books for school and for health, too.

2 years ago

What went on then parallels what is happening now.

Dawn Blackamore
Dawn Blackamore
2 years ago

Thankyou for this article.
May God have mercy on the people entrusted with power in our world and cause them to reflect that we all will be required to answer for our behaviour when we meet our maker.
Meanwhile, each one of us has power to quietly and humbly resist tyranny and tell our representatives things they may be too busy or too distracted to find out for themselves. It feels dangerous and in fact it is. Better to suffer though than to fail to act.

Ulrich Enevoldsen
Ulrich Enevoldsen
2 years ago

Such s shame only neo Nazi comments get posted here. Nice job mudding the waters here.
Who ever wrote the article, why do you let this happen? Why post on a site like this?

Ulrich Enevoldsen
Ulrich Enevoldsen
Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
2 years ago

Well I had my first post deleted. It was pending so there may have been some trigger words in there not sure.
And yes freedom of speech is important ☺️ but it saddens me to see replies like above to a good article like this.
It tends to scare most people off when they see that kind of rhetoric

Mary Smith
Mary Smith
Reply to  Ulrich Enevoldsen
2 years ago

Sorry, but you really have to stop using the Pedowood invented slur – Nazi-. The National Socialists Germans didn’t call themselves Nazis nor did they like to be called Nazis.
the use of this word (Nazi) just shows how indoctrinated you are.

Ulrich Enevoldsen
Ulrich Enevoldsen
Reply to  Mary Smith
2 years ago

Lol ok so the Nazis didn’t like the word so I shouldn’t use it? Omg did you really just write that?
I am Danish and I speak German fluently and I can guarantee you i have heard old recordings where they ” the Nazis” use that word. Or nazist if you want.
But thanks for the history lesson lol

Mary Smith
Mary Smith
Reply to  Ulrich Enevoldsen
2 years ago

Like the MSM history lesson you have been regurgitating here ?

2 years ago

[…] 1. Januar 2022 The Expose: Pre-WWII Germany: Laws Introduced for the Protection of The People […]