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Australia has recorded 12 times more Deaths in 10 months due to the Covid-19 Vaccines than Deaths due to all other Vaccines combined in 51 years

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Data published by Australia’s Medicine Regulator confirms that there have been twelve times as many deaths reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines over a period of just ten months than deaths reported as adverse reactions to every other available vaccine combined over a period of 51 years.

The Department of Health Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is the medicine regulator for the Australian Government, and as part of the Department of Health, the TGA regulates the quality, supply, and advertising of medicines, pathology devices, medical devices, blood products and most other therapeutics.

However, a Freedom of Information request made by Doctors for Covid Ethics back in February 2021 revealed that the TGA never saw the extremely limited study data for the Pfizer mRNA Covid-19 vaccine prior to granting it emergency approval and deeming it safe to be injected into the arms of Australians.

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The TGA originally attempted to suppress the FOI request by requesting a 6-month extension in view of the amount of work required to respond satisfactorily. But after a complaint was made to the Office of the Information Commissioner the TGA responded confirming that they had never seen or requested the patient data from Pfizer and simply accepted Pfizer’s report of their study as fact, despite their proven history of fraudulent claims.

Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc., have been fined at least £3,573,465,793.97p since the year 2000 for over 80 offences / violations.

This includes over £26.1million in Kickbacks and Bribery offences, £870million in False Claims offences and £2.5billion in healthcare related offences.

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The TGA’s admission that they have never seen the raw trial data for the Pfizer jab prior to granting it approval, and Pfizer’s scandalous history of fraudulent claims and bribes, may go some way to explaining why the TGA have so far refused to pull the Covid-19 injections from distribution to the public, despite 8 times more adverse reactions, and 12 times more deaths being reported due to the jabs over a period of 10 months than have been reported to all other available vaccines combined since the 1st January 1971.

The TGA has a ‘Database of Adverse Event Notifications‘ that allows visitors to search adverse event reported for medicines including vaccines. The reports come from a wide range of sources, including members of the public, GPs, other health professionals and the therapeutic goods industry.

By searching the database for ‘Vaccine’ and deselecting the four available Covid-19 vaccines, with a date parameter of ‘1st January 1971 – 27th December 2021‘ the following results can be found –

Over those 51 years there have been 128 different vaccines available to the Australian public (excluding Covid-19 vaccines), and there have been 19,545 individual reports to all 128 vaccines combined, including 62 deaths. The TGA state that they think there is a possibility that the available vaccines caused 12,638 of those reported adverse reactions.

By carrying out a new search on the database for ‘Covid-19 Vaccine‘, with a date parameter of ‘1st January 2021 – 27th November 2021’ the following results can be found –

The results shows that there have been 98,017 reports made against the available Covid-19 vaccines, including 725 deaths. The TGA state that they they think there is a possibility that the Covid-19 vaccines caused 96,250 of those reported adverse reactions.

The first Covid-19 vaccine was administered in Australia on February 21st 2021. This means that there have been been 12 times more deaths, 5 times more reports of adverse reactions, and 8 times more reports of adverse reactions that the TGA suspects were more than likely due to the Covid-19 vaccines, than have been reported to all other available vaccines combined over a period of 51 years.

According to the TGA database, the leading cause of death due to the Covid-19 vaccines has been an ‘adverse event following immunisation’. The second leading cause of death has been dyspnoea (difficulty breathing), followed by pulmonary embolism (blocked blood vessel in the lung), then cardiac arrest, and then cerebrovascular accident (stroke).

But the leading causes of death since 1971 due to all other available vaccines combined differ spectacularly. According to the TGA database the leading cause of death due to all other vaccines combined since 1971 has been pyrexia which is a raised body temperature/fever. The next two leading causes of death have been vaccination failure and influenza, followed by seizure, and then vaccination error.

This data raises serious questions as to why the Covid-19 vaccines have not been pulled from distribution to the public when just four separate vaccines for Covid-19 have caused over 12 times as many deaths in just 10 months, than 128 separate vaccines combined have caused over a period of 51 years.

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2 years ago

[…] Australia has recorded 12 times more Deaths in 10 months due to the Covid-19 Vaccines than Deaths du… […]

Christine Hogan
Christine Hogan

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Last edited 2 years ago by Christine Hogan
Ray J. Kenny
Ray J. Kenny
Reply to  Christine Hogan
2 years ago

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Last edited 2 years ago by Ray J. Kenny
Coach Martin
Coach Martin

Fire all administrators of heath care. Their achievements are criminal.

2 years ago

[…] Excerpt, “The Department of Health Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is the medicine regulator for the Australian Government, and as part of the Department of Health, the TGA regulates the quality, supply, and advertising of medicines, pathology devices, medical devices, blood products and most other therapeutics. However, a Freedom of Information request made by Doctors for Covid Ethics back in February 2021 revealed that the TGA never saw the extremely limited study data for the Pfizer mRNA Covid-19 vaccine prior to granting it emergency approval and deeming it safe to be injected into the arms of Australians. The TGA originally attempted to suppress the FOI request by requesting a 6-month extension in view of the amount of work required to respond satisfactorily. But after a complaint was made to the Office of the Information Commissioner the TGA responded confirming that they had never seen or requested the patient data from Pfizer and simply accepted Pfizer’s report of their study as fact, despite their proven history of fraudulent claims. Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc., have been fined at least £3,573,465,793.97p since the year 2000 for over 80 offences / violations. This includes over £26.1million in Kickbacks and Bribery offences, £870million in False Claims offences and £2.5billion in healthcare related offences.” Full article. […]

Tilly Hewitt
Tilly Hewitt

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Last edited 2 years ago by Tilly Hewitt
2 years ago

The only possible answer as to why these non-vaccines, rather gene therapy ‘treatments’ haven’t been pulled in Australia, but rather pushed, and shoved down the helpless Australian population’s collective throat, is that both major political parties in Australia are corrupt. That simple.

Reply to  Diane
2 years ago

Finally I made $92/hr. It’s time to take some action and you can join it too.It is a simple, dedicated and easy way to get rich. Three weeks from now you will wish you had started today.Simply give it a shot on the accompanying site.


Last edited 2 years ago by Linda
Reply to  Linda
2 years ago

Pass off!

Bart van Oerle
Bart van Oerle
2 years ago

But how many shots in total were given for these 128 vaccines combined? vs how many shots for Covid19 vaccines?
I guess the outcome will still not be positive for the C-vaxxes but still, without this info we don’t know what we’re talking about really.

Reply to  Bart van Oerle
2 years ago

I get paid over $87 per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over 10k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless. Here’s what I’ve been doing…

Last edited 2 years ago by juliya
Reply to  juliya
2 years ago

Far cough.

Reply to  Bart van Oerle
2 years ago

It’s very important context. Without knowing that, we can’t draw accurate conclusions. And also importantly, those other vaccines were not administered during a worldwide pandemic like the current one, meaning that vaccination rates would have been considerably lower. Way more people getting vaccinated equals more adverse effects. Shocker!

Not to mention that reporting standards have changed and improved considerably over the past 5 decades.

Wa farmer
Wa farmer
Reply to  meister
2 years ago

Reporting standards have “improved” which rock have you been camped under for the last 20 years.??

Samantha Lowry
Samantha Lowry
Reply to  meister
2 years ago

You do realise that pretty much every child born in Australia has their childhood immunisations. Those vaccines are included in this data. That is multiple jabs given to each child. The flu vax may not be given to every single Australian but it has been given out extensively over decades, over and over again. The amount of these few vaxes alone would well and truly exceed the number of Covid jabs. And that doesn’t include the other 120+ vaccines.

Very Angry Silenced Whistleblower BioScientist
Very Angry Silenced Whistleblower BioScientist
Reply to  Samantha Lowry
2 years ago

Incorrect. The entire reason these greedy Globalists have forced the world to have experimental injections is because they receive a 200% return on investment each quarter and because the global countries vaccine uptake was waning over the past 30 years and people were twigging that pharma were deliberately making people sick so they could create more customers, they have to think fast so, these bastards took it upon themselves to fabricate a pandemic, fabricate variants to cover up the experimental injection deaths and make up some bullshit about “Long Covid” and “breakthrough infections” in those who tested positive after their injections. Sars CoV-2 CV19 is a computer model of a virus and still to this day, no Scientist has been abled ot isolate it to purify a sample from a dead or living Human.

The higher the Flu shot uptake, the higher the Flu patients and deaths, like in Italy where the CV19 death rate was deliberately fabricated to show over 32,000 deaths were from CV19 when the actual figure was 1258 from the Flu. The Flu shots disarm the Immune System in 51% of those who receive it and those 49% who are not affected are carriers of the virus (Oxford University clinical peer reviewed studies and Harvard medical archives 2006, 2012, 2013). Sanofi Pasteur is the manufacturer of the Quadirvalent Influenza vaccines and is majority owned by Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, they create the bumper Flu seasons where Big Pharma rake in the cash. The Rockefeller’s who own Big Pharma majority are in debt of 31T dollars to the USA Fed and they defaulted on the full debt on February 18 2022. In 60 years there has been no cure for the simple Influenza virus, yet they concoct an Experiment to jab into people in under 5 months that has killed millions and permanently disabled millions more and the lying mainstream media are all in this together.

The PCR and RAT are both less than 0.04% accurate and these scum know it. These injections were never created to be approved, only Pfizer BioNtech and ModeRNA were and now they push these experiments onto children even though they are dying from the injections, these biotech Gene manipulation companies cannot be sued if the children’s injections are approved.

Gates and Fauci own these vaccines companies and they own majority shares in all Big Pharma, mainstream media and Universities, Gates brought a seat in WHO, CDC, FDA, UN Assembly and they were the ones who pushed and fearmongered the hardest for people to rush out and get the Flu shots that created mass sickness so they could say there is a Covid crisis and so Gates (50/50% partner to the FDA) could get Emergency Use approval for his experiments. Steal our money whilst killing us off. You are all being lied too and this comes from way up the ladder. WAKE UP!

Last edited 2 years ago by Very Angry Silenced Whistleblower BioScientist
Klaus K.
Klaus K.
2 years ago

Stop begging for money. You loose the trust of the readers.

Tim Little
Tim Little
2 years ago

If the vaccine roll-out has been so effective why have so many people become permanently injured, died or living in so much for of what will happen to them and their lives due to trialled vaccines that will eventually kill people in their millions or even likely billions, Where is the kindness and humanity in this.I don’t want to hear about anyone else permanently injured or dead especially our own children from these meaningless atrocities.

2 years ago

I would of be happy to make a one off donation. I didn’t see the PayPal option and I’m not comfortable to give out my card details !
I had never seen this site before, for all I knew it was another

Reply to  John
2 years ago

They’re not much better than RealRawNews. Don’t give them a dollar.

2 years ago

Between 1962 and 1972 Australia lost 500 servicemen killed in Vietnam, see Australian War Memorial

Burried in the TGA’s website we find 726 dead as at 2nd Jan 2022, but you’ve got to read very carefully to find it.
If you scroll down to the section “Reports of death in people who have been vaccinated” in the second paragraph you will see the sentence:”The TGA has identified 11 reports of death that were linked to vaccination from 726 reports received and reviewed”

I too downloaded the TGA data into a spreadsheet. The problem with these data is that many reports cite more than one symptom, so the totals do not add up to the 726 cited deaths. The total of all deaths from the Database of Adverse Event Notifications was 1,818. Deaths would seem to be associated with 2.5 conditions on average.

This makes it impossible to determine the number of deaths “associated” with each experimental genetic vaccine product.

IMO the TGA website has been designed to obfuscate deaths and present data that cannot be meaningfully analysed.

Deaths associated with these so called vaccines are likely skewed as many elderly and severely ill people were prioritised in the rollout, and may not have been expected to live long anyway. There may have been someone who was run over by a bus on the way home from getting jabbed…

However, in the last eleven months we now have 226 more “fatal coincidences” from these experimental genetic vaccines than service people dead during 10 years of the Vietnam War.

I think this deserves an Australian Vaccine Fatal Coincidence Memorial to honour their sacrifice.

Mozart kubwayo
Mozart kubwayo
2 years ago

This is revolution

2 years ago

“Amount of work required” was too much to look before you leap! Not just one person but the whole country!
Seems like a case of fiddling while Rome burns😩😖 for the whole world. Sorry I am retired starting work again if I can to survive.
I don’t necessarily want heads to roll but to prevent this kind of thing happening again!

2 years ago

Sheepid is as stupid does

2 years ago

[…] 11. Januar 2022 The Expose: Australia has recorded 12 times more Deaths in 10 months due to the Covid-19 Vaccines than Deaths du… […]

Coach Martin
Coach Martin
1 month ago

The Bible recommends us to first seek the Kingdom of Heaven.
So dump the UN, WHO and WEF.
Close Schools, protect children from drugs & deception.
Shut down Globalism wherever it is found.
Destroy DEW / 5-G structures.

Make Americans brave again.
Expel Terrorists, Anarchists and Criminals.
Make Churches Great Again.
Make Jurors Heads of the Judiciary in our Constitution.
Crown Jesus King by Constitutional Amendment.