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Is your country being led by a Psychopath?

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The world is now being controlled by a bunch of conspirators – billionaires who are using a potent mixture of pharmaceutical companies, left wing extremists, greens and climate change cultists to push the world into an economic chaos.

Once they have destroyed the global economy, pushed up energy and food prices, created mass poverty and murdered a few hundred million people they will offer to save us all with a world government and a world controlled by digital passports.

The billionaires and the Bilderberger members are clearly psychopaths.

But what about the political leaders around the world – Biden, Trump, Johnson, Macron, Trudeau, Putin, Morrison, the wretched woman in New Zealand and the rest of them. Are they all psychopaths too?

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By Dr Vernon Coleman

Well, look at the evidence.

Psychopaths are exceptionally selfish, constant liars, manipulative, callous, grandiose and parasitic.

Psychopaths bully, they are never anxious, and they may be superficially likeable. (That’s how they got elected). They seem strong, calm and confident but they lack personal insight. They never show remorse.

Psychopaths are ruthless, manipulative and permanently dishonest. They are charming but they are remorseless in their dealings with others; they do things which normal people would regard as terrible. But they never feel guilty.

Throughout history psychopaths have always had an advantage when it comes to seeking high office. Today’s political party systems, with their emphasis on superficial likeability, and an endless capacity for lying and deceit, make it easier for psychopaths to reach the top.

Around the world a remarkably high proportion of Presidents and Prime Ministers end up in prison. That certainly suggests that they have criminal tendencies. I think they also show clear psychopathic tendencies.

Throughout history the possession of psychopathic traits has proved a useful passport to high office. Men and women who are unfettered by moral scruples, who are prepared to lie or cheat their way to the top and who will make promises they know they cannot keep have a huge advantage over those held back by notions of fair play. Leaders who are psychopaths have huge advantages over more democratically inclined leaders. The possession of psychopathic traits is actually advantageous to a political leader. They give him or her more degrees of freedom in his control and manipulating of those under him and most particularly in his dealings with potential enemies.

As they age, psychopaths become more of a threat than ever. They get better at lying and better at convincing people that their intentions are good.

To the psychopath, kindness, humanity and sentimentality are all signs of weakness, there to be exploited. Psychopaths do not have consciences, in the way that the rest of us do and so they never suffer from the restraining influence of guilt.

So, is your country’s leader a psychopath?

I’m going to describe twelve traits which will enable you to decide if your leader is a psychopath. Just write down a YES for each time you think you recognise your leader’s traits. At the end of the questionnaire, just add up the number of times you answered YES.

  1. Psychopaths are exceptionally selfish and egocentric; they don’t worry about other people’s feelings. They don’t think twice about cheating other people if it is to their advantage.
  2. Psychopaths lie constantly (and are extremely good at it).Politicians tell big, deliberate, determined, self-serving lies. They know that if they just keep lying they will manage to fool most of the people most of the time. Especially if they do it with a smile and a few disarming words. A psychopath will keep lying for so long, with such persistence and with such protestations of honesty and innocence, that his listeners will begin to doubt their own interpretation of the truth.

    ‘It would never come into average people’s heads to fabricate colossal untruths,’ wrote Adolf Hitler. ‘And they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.’

    The psychopath knows that if he or she lies often enough, and with enough persistence and determination, then the lie will eventually become the truth.
  3. Psychopaths are manipulative and skilled at persuading other people to do things for them. Psychopaths get a great kick out of manipulating people – whether they are friends, colleagues or family members. They begin by manipulating people through charm and persuasion but if those methods fail then they will manipulate through fear.
  4. The psychopath only ever loves him or herself. The psychopath knows that it is possible to get what he or she wants by pretending to be a good and loyal lover or friend. And so they will do everything they can to build up that image. But the psychopath’s primary loyalty will be to him or herself. He thinks him or herself genuinely superior to everyone around him. In their mind they are the only person who truly matters.
  5. Psychopaths are callous and indifferent to suffering. Psychopaths do not feel or show any empathy or genuine sympathy when others around them are suffering, though they will show fake sympathy when these seem appropriate.
  6. Psychopaths bully and are abusive and don’t see any reason why they shouldn’t be, especially since they know from experience that bullying is a very effective way to get their own way.
  7. Psychopaths are charming because they have learned to be attentive and to fake interest in others; but their interest is purely superficial. Their eyes quickly glaze over when someone else is talking about themselves, and they change the subject as quickly as they can.
  8. Psychopaths are unable to experience love or show true compassion and may to go from one relationship to another. They will make declarations of love if they think they will benefit and they will weep what appear to be real tears if the occasion demands them. The older and more experienced a psychopath becomes the better able he will be at faking emotional responses. Psychopaths neglect their families because their only real concern is themselves. Psychopaths are constantly searching for excitement and may, therefore, engage in an unending series of relationships. They do this not because they are looking for love or romance, or even physical excitement, but because they enjoy the thrill of the chase and the thrill of cheating on their partners without being found out.
  9. Psychopaths never take responsibility; they always blame others when things go wrong. If they make a mistake they will always point a finger at someone else – and blame them. Psychopaths never show remorse or guilt and do not ever care about the feelings of others; they never feel bad when they do bad things and they never feel ashamed. Their primary concern is that they do not get caught and find themselves forced to take responsibility for what they have done.
  10. Psychopaths often make promises they know they cannot keep, and have no intention of keeping. They make the promises because they are convenient and useful and they enable them to get what they want, when they want it. Obligations and commitments mean nothing to psychopaths, and they feel no need to honour promises or principles unless there is some obvious benefit to themselves in doing so. They will remain unmoved by the knowledge that their actions are causing hardship and unhappiness for others.
  11. Psychopaths are good at self-promotion. They have enormous self-belief and confidence and sometimes appear exceptionally ‘pushy’. Psychopaths can manipulate others calmly, coolly (and without any qualms) and they frequently do this in order to further their own careers. Since they never feel guilt or shame, psychopaths can frequently rise right to the top in their chosen field.
  12. Psychopaths are often extremely ambitious. And they rise to the top because they can deal with problems, setbacks and disappointments far more effectively than ordinary folk. Psychopaths ignore or brush aside the sort of genuine worries that destroy ordinary people.

    It is the mental strength of psychopaths which helps them to rise to the top and it is that strength, that unswerving, uncaring, committed determination to achieve their own ambitions, whatever the cost might be, that is such a danger both to the rest of us and to society as a whole. And psychopaths never apologise. When ordinary folk make serious mistakes they apologise, try to put things right and, quite probably, feel full of guilt.

    Sensitive, caring individuals bend over backwards to make amends. But when psychopaths make mistakes they lie and lie and lie again. And they do it convincingly and without a blush. It never occurs to them to apologise. They don’t make any effort to put things right. And, unless it is completely unavoidable, they do not resign. Their ambition is all that matters.

The more of these traits that you recognised the more likely it is that your leader is a psychopath. If you noted eight or more then they’re definitely psychopathic.

You can try these questions out on other well-known figures. Tony Blair, Donald Trump, Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, the Entitled Harry and that bloke with the growly dog who lives at the end of your street.

Dr Vernon Coleman’s short book Are you living with a Psychopath is available as a paperback and an eBook.

You can read more from Dr Vernon Coleman at his official site found here.

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Richard Noakes
Richard Noakes
2 years ago

Coming Soon: Hackable Human Animals
Neuralink itself writes that “all novel medical devices and treatments must be tested in animals before they can be ethically trialed in humans.”
Yet despite this remark and the fact several monkeys have already died, Neuralink is moving toward testing their brain implants on humans.
Case in point: Neuralink is hunting to recruit a Clinical Trial Director to work closely with doctors, engineers, and welcome the “first Clinical Trial Participants!” (Note: the exclamation mark ❗️is theirs).
They are also hiring an Algorithms/DSP Engineer to “accelerate” pathways “to human-ready brain implants.” Literal Human Noggin Hackers.
I assume there are several out there who would literally die to be one of the first associated with Elon Musk’s pioneering.
Neuralink will have to jump through a series of regulatory hoops before implanting a device in a human brain. With that said, I personally have been approached by people who claim they already have nanotech in their brains.
“I am getting abused…. I mean really really bad. I have a lot of tech in me; I have wifi chips in my ear and skull through which they are assaulting me horrifically with 5G, nano, and more.”
When I probed (no pun intended), he responded:
“You want definitive proof? Cut this crap out of me. Find someone to cut this wifi chip out of me.”
Don’t shoot the messenger. The goal is to test on humans so why is it so far-fetched to believe they’ve already begun?
Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, Transhumanist and World Economic Forum (WEF) loyalist, recently informed us that “the days of free will are over” but that humans are now “hackable animals.”
Recall, it was under the Rona Regime that we openly became lab rats. In June 2020, in the face of the (fake) COVID-19 Hegelian-Esque emergency, a symposium was held to weigh the pros and cons of bypassing animal trials.
This was warp speed, baby.
“Although this looks promising for fast-tracking vaccine development, there is division among the scientific community about bypassing animal models before Phase I clinical trials. In addition, agencies like PETA are against using animals for research purposes. The question remains: Can vaccine research do without an animal model?”
Me: We are all animals on this planet, however our species is defined as Human.
Where are the organizations that stand against using humans for research purposes?  
As Merkley states, Musk prompted this technology as a way to help people with paralysis and Parkinson’s, but yet Musk also talks about a needed “symbiosis” between human brains and A.I.
This is because Musk, Harari, and other technocrats have warned that AI could trigger the next World War and those super-intelligent robots could dominate the world. In fact, Lieber designed the neural lace “to upgrade the human brain to be more competitive against A.I.”
Neuralink started with rodents and has graduated to primates. I would venture to guess that Neuralink has meddled with way more than 35 monkeys. Mankind is next. Arguably, we are already the monkeys. The question remains, who will fight for us?
See more here:
Principia Scientific

Me: Not the trans humans anyway, they don’t have any human rights at all now – do they?

So much for cataloging random bits of information and putting them together to create a bigger picture, don’t you think – my speciality?

Richard Noakes
Richard Noakes
Reply to  Richard Noakes
2 years ago

Re: Me: Not the trans humans anyway, they don’t have any human rights at all now – do they?: Covid-19 Patent Horrors
By Dr. Ariyana Love
In my latest interview with Stew Peter’s, we discussed how the “Covid-19 vaccine” ingredients listed in the patents, reveal that all these poisonous death shots are deleting genes and genetically modifying Humans for patentability.
The Hydrogel patent US8415325B2 is listed in the Moderna patent, here. Hydrogels are also mentioned in a second Moderna patent, here. Hydrogel is listed in the Johnson & Johnson patent, here. Hydrogels are made from Graphene Oxide. Nobody can deny the evidence that Graphene Oxide is in the shots.
All the Covid-19 “vaccine” patents mention gene deletion. All the patents except one, mention “complimentary DNA” (cDNA). cDNA is a chimeric mRNA cocktail that’s being coded into Human cells using artificial genetic sequences in cross-species genomics.
According to the US Supreme Court ruling in 2013, altering Humans with cDNA makes them patent eligible. The court documents show that cDNA is made using modified bacterium and Supreme Court judges ruled it patent eligible. This means that a plant, animal or Human, could be patented and owned if first genetically modified with cDNA.
Mark Steele summarized it perfectly by stating:
In the US, the Supreme Court has ruled that vaccinated people worldwide are products, patented goods, according to US law, no longer human. Through a modified DNA or RNA vaccination, the mRNA vaccination, the person ceases to be human and becomes the OWNER of the holder of the modified GEN vaccination patent, because they have their own genome and are no longer “human” (without natural people), but “trans-human”, so a category that does not exist in Human Rights. The quality of a natural person and all related rights are lost. This applies worldwide and patents are subject to US law.
Since 2013, all people vaccinated with GM-modified mRNAs are legally trans-human and legally identified as trans-human and do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state, and this applies worldwide, because GEN-POINT technology patents are under US jurisdiction and law, where they were registered.”

See link here:

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Last edited 2 years ago by FayeWatson
Reply to  FayeWatson
2 years ago

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Last edited 2 years ago by JoanneConway
Reply to  FayeWatson
2 years ago


Cristal Sailor
Cristal Sailor
Reply to  Richard Noakes
2 years ago

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Last edited 2 years ago by Cristal Sailor
Reply to  Richard Noakes
2 years ago

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Last edited 2 years ago by MicheleBarnes
2 years ago

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Last edited 2 years ago by JAssica
2 years ago

You missed out the right wing egotistical sociopaths. Soros and Bill Gates – two of the most ruthless capitalists ever to walk the earth. How do you think they made their money? By donations from the communist party? Nope! From global capitalist ventures. Look at all the private companies these people are involved with! That is where their true power comes from. No point taking half your blinkers off and leaving the other half on.

Reply to  Derek
2 years ago

Go yet further up the pyramid for the really big fish: Black Rock and Vanguard, the banksters, The Rockefellers, , and also I hear royal familiies and Venetian banking families; and freemasons ?

Reply to  mcc
2 years ago

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Last edited 2 years ago by Eva
Reply to  Derek
2 years ago

Theyre Crony capitalists, corporatists, not capitalists . Theres all the difference in the world and we must not blame capitalism per se for all these ills. Crony capitalism is to blame and will bring in a totalitarianism not so different from that under Communist Soviet Union.

Reply to  mcc
2 years ago

PS I add that crony capitalism is global Big Business in partnership with and capturing governments. And to facilitate this , government needs to be Big Government, Socialist Government.

Reply to  mcc
2 years ago

You are exactly spot on @mmc. These are not right wing people. Capitalism is free enterprise for everyone, which they are opposed to. Anarchy is completely right wing. Comes from Greek Anarchos, meaning without leadership. The opposite of hierarchy. More specifically decentralization of all there is of government. Lawlessness is Anomos, not Anarchy as they have misinformed us in their propaganda. Most countries has elements of anarchy by making sure there is governing on local level. By now it should be very clear that centralized government does not work. It’s a low breed degenerates magnet. More and more people are realizing this and are becoming anarchist, that be Anarcho Capitalists, or the communist version, Collective Anarchists. In one country there can be both in different regions. Free choice. Again, you are completely right about “Chrony Capitalists” backing big socialist/communist governments with their high treason stooges. That’s how they get control of everything. Universal Fascism/Neo-Feudalism where the rest of us should be the proletars, those without property.

Last edited 2 years ago by Samsen
Reply to  mcc
2 years ago

Only the rich want a world where you having more money than me gives you more rights than me. That is what ‘capitalism’ is — whatever your ‘economics’ dictionary says. All ‘capitalists’ are filth.

2 years ago

[…] Dr Vernon Coleman: […]

2 years ago

TBH it’s not necessarily the leader of the country that’s the sociopath, but the leaders of the states. Case in point is Australia. The PM wasn’t mandate mad, but Victoria’s premier “Dictator” Dan was!

Reply to  Tom
2 years ago

I get paid over $90 per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over 15k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless .
Here’s what I have been doing…

Last edited 2 years ago by Rio
2 years ago


2 years ago

Dr Coleman analized something that is described in a book Political ponerology: a science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes
by Andrew M. Lobaczewsky.
However, the basic question is not if your country is run by an idiot. The question that western world still did not get to pose is: are your ELECTIONS A FAKE?
That question is by far more important.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mika Mikic
Reply to  Miki
2 years ago

Both PM and several in the cabinet coming from Young Global Leaders seems like it.

Reply to  Miki
2 years ago

Elections? No one voted for any of the british ‘government’. That only happens in a ‘democracy’.

Even if you live in one of those, being able to choose between two dirtbags does not constitute an ‘election’ either.

Show me an election where the candidates were put forward by the people. And show me an election where foreigners aren’t allowed to vote.

Reply to  mee
2 years ago

Term democracy is just a smoke. Not only that: capitalism, socialism, French and other revolutions, even wars – what we have thought to be our sovereign decisions are mostly pulled from somewhere. If you don’t believe that, ask yourself who pays for wars, for example? One day of small war costs millions. ONE DAY. But that is long story.
As for elections, more often then not, votes counting is simply tempered if fake media and fake candidates does not fulfill their purpose.
For example, do you know how American authorities answered the journalist’s question who controls the software for voting produced by private company? They said – that is confidential. Of course it is confidential – that is how Rockefellers or similar psycho win every election. Same in other countries. Elementary, my dear Holms.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mika Mikic
Reply to  mee
2 years ago

Worse than that, I can recall a party called Brexit Party, I supported them, I might came from the EU but that doesn’t mean I like it or was blind to notice what the EU really was, how it ruined independent nations’ economy and sell them out leaving poverty and ruins only. They did it with the help of the corrupt politicians, the EU is a mini NWO.

I hoped that the Brexit Party would have members (whistle blowers if you like) in but interestingly they were force to step back with such a short notice, there was no way that another REAL OPPOSITION, could fill that gap, that’s how we ended up with the present gov. that maneuver helped Johnson et al to win and have a majority.

They controlled the opposition and killed it just in time.

2 years ago

“Psychopaths are exceptionally selfish, constant liars, manipulative, callous, grandiose and parasitic.”

Sounds like every person in the jew-k that I’ve ever had to deal with. It also sounds like coleman’s hero — icke.

Reply to  yeah
2 years ago

Castrudeau knows that you’re right:

Juriean Brands
Juriean Brands
2 years ago

“A complete lack of imagination in the average man to understand that a country can be ruled by criminals and psychopaths. The man in power is a ‘lord’: old slave mentality, the lesser classes recognize the ruler as ‘lord’, even if he shows the clearest contraindications.”

“The difficulty for these naive people now is that civitas Dei and civitas Diaboli (as long as it lasts) have connected, so that Deus and Diabolus turn out to be identical!”

Menno ter Braak in  Journal 1939

2 years ago

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Last edited 2 years ago by MamieCook
2 years ago

[…] Read More: Is your country being led by a Psychopath? […]

2 years ago


2 years ago

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Last edited 2 years ago by Kariarker
Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
2 years ago

“If you see the lion‘s canines, do not ever think that the lion smiles.”

– Abu Tayyib al-Mutanabbi –

(Born 915 CE – Died 9/23/965 CE)

2 years ago

[…] BY THE EXPOSÉ ON MARCH 3, 2022  […]

2 years ago

so true the whole world is being run by psychopaths scomo is a psychopath how does this happen

2 years ago

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